N-Rev - Hardware Spekulationen

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Games Master: I am honoured to talk to you. Are you ready? Let us begin. On the E3, Sony und Microsoft showed their new consoles. But Nintendo just present the Design and the concept of the Revolution. Do you see any advantage or disadvantage? And why don't you say anything about the technical specs.

Fils-Aime: I believe we won’t have any problems to keep up with Microsoft or Sony. Both are focusing on Hardware and Multimedia Features. But we will give more. Technical specs are important, but you need more than good Hardware. The Hardware of the Revolution is not ready. At the present time we are working hard with IBM and ATI to construct a great Hardware. At the E3 Nintendo don’t want to focus on a new console that isn't ready. This is the reason why we weren't show the Hardware. Microsoft and Sony fight at the moment with reference to the Hardware. We are at this time the impartial Third. The only thing you recognize is the way which we want to go.
You saw the Design, but you just saw a very little piece of the Revolution concept.
Revolution wants to give more than an update of the current consoles. Nintendo is going to create a new gaming experience. But this won't exclude the old and classical method of gaming. Microsoft has a little war with Sony. Nobody can estimate our power. This is a big advantage. A lost opportunity never returns. I won’t be surprised if Microsoft screams when they see our Revolution.
Games Master: Everybody is curiously. Is the power of Revolution competitive? Could you tell us anything about the Hardware of the Revolution?

Fils-Aime: Yes, I Could.

Games Master: Would you?

Fils-Aime: I cannot give any information’s if you ask in this form.

Games Master: So can you inform us about any new details relative to Revolution? About the Hardware, maybe?

Fils-Aime: You are really curiously. Shall we give you little details?
We will be competitive to the other Manufacturer.But in another way. It would be a big failure if we aren't at the same level as Sony or Microsoft. The technical aspect is a key feature for the developer. The Third Party Support depends on technical power. For instance we will have a special Optical Disc Drive. This is able to read Red Light Medias as good as Blue Light Medias. We have to plan for the future. But in the end the Customer is interested in what he is seeing and not in technical specs.

Games Master: I hope we will see on Revolution graphical masterpieces. But how will you reach the enormous power in this little Revolution? I mean the PS3 and the Xbox360 are huge consoles in relation to the Revolution.

Fils-Aime: Come on. I wonder that MS has made an acceptable console design. Both are filling their Hardware with Hard Drives and Multimedia Features. Revolution support also Multimedia Features, but you need extern Hardware. Beside Sony and Microsoft don’t use the space favourably. Our project is top secret. What I can say is that ATI and IBM are developing a new revolutionary Hardware design. This is also a part of the Revolution. The names are not in vain "Hollywood" and "Broadway". The two chips are totally interacting together to achieve gigantic power. This Hardware is truly fantastic. But, we aren't finished yet. The Hardware will be optimized at this time. The Revolution shall be a small and powerful Hardware. In the one Hand small, cause you can use and take the console everywhere. In the other Hand powerful to aim an indescribable gaming experience.

Games Master:Interesting. So you also offer Multimedia Features.
What do you think about High-Def?

Fils-Aime: High-Def is nice. But it is not key characteristic. Presently few People can use High-Def. In the US just 5-10% off all households have High Def. You can also get beautiful graphics on a normal TV.

Games Master: A short and direct question: What is the Revolution?

Fils-Aime: As I said, the Hardware as well as the Controller. You know, there are some games which are very complicated to play. An example is the Shooter or Real-Time Genre. With Revolution it shall be easy to play every kind of game. In addition the Player shall have a new feeling of gaming.

Games Master: Say anything about the Controller.

Fils-Aime: No, we won’t talk about the big Mystery. We absolutely do not talk about the Controller. We are not the Information Service.

Games Master: Okay. What are the expectations of Nintendo? Like the Online Gaming concerning Revolution and NintendoDS.
Fils-Aime: Nintendo is in a big change. The NintendoDS was the first step in a new era. We want to go a modern way. Our aim is to reach more people. We want to convince the people. In fall we will start the Online Portal of Nintendo. The Players shall have the chance to play worldwide Nintendo Games without any costs. The players also need no extra devices or software. I believe with this feature we can convince many players to play online. The Online Portal will include more than just gaming. Communicating, Online Demos are some examples. We have many ideas. Send a mail from the Revolution at home and receive your mail via NintendoDS. The Revolution will extend the Online Portal of Nintendo.
At Home: The Revolution. In a train, park, restaurant, somewhere else: The NintendoDS
We saw on the E3 that many people are surprised and pleased to play the first time Mario Kart online. So I believe many NintendoDS owners are going to use the online feature.
We already had online plans with the Nintendo64. Nintendo intends to extend these plans. We will see what happened.
Games Master:: I am happy to play Mario Kart and Animal Crossing online, too. You also presented on the E3 the Headset and the Communicating System.
Fils-Aime: Yes. This is a prototype of the communication service. We are thinking about to include this ability in games.

Games Master: Can you say which games are planned for the Revolution?

Fils-Aime: Many games are planned. We are also preparing new Heroes. Nintendo announced some Games on the E3. Mr. Iwata spokes about a new Metroid, about Kid Icarus and Donkey Kong. Super Smash Brothers Revolution is also in developing. I don’t know how many games we are preparing. Metroid Prime, Pilotwings, Donkey Kong World, The Legend of Kid Icarus, Wave Race, Super Smash Bothers are some examples for classic games. But we need games like GTA, Halo, Gran Turismo, Resident Evil, and Final Fantasy to be successful. So we are going to create new games and we want to convince more Third Partie Developers. One new game is called “Xenias”.

Games Master: Tell us more. What is "Xenias"?

Fils-Aime: A fantastic game. Xenias is a new kind of shooter. It’s just like an Online RPG in Shooter Form. But I cannot say anything more. At the moment we are developing and nothing is finished.
I can say: Xenias will kick in Halos ass.
This is just one new Game. We are testing some projects. We do not know which projects become final games. Just wait and see. Sony and Microsoft shall be careful. We are going to strike back.
In this year you get more information’s about the Revolution.

Games Master: Who is developing “Xenias”?

Fils-Aime: I mustn’t say it. But a little tip: They made the first 3D Metroid..

Games Master: The Retro Studios?

Fils-Aime: I didn’t say it. Maybe. Maybe not.

Games Master: I hope Xenias become a great game. Now, I think our time is up. I am very glad that you answer my questions. Thank you. I hope we will see us again.

Fils-Aime: No Problem.

Das ganze is ausm Gamespot-forum. Leider is noch nicht bekannt, ob es echt ist.
Ach, dankeschön! Ich muss jetzt wieder Freudentränen vergießen :cry2: ... Hoffentlich ist das alles wahr, besonders das mit Xenia ... Das hört sich so geil an ...
Nicht gleich, exakt das selbe!

Äh, nein.
Dieses hier ist umfangreicher.
Außerdem ist folgender Satz anders (ging vielen beim anderen interview ab)
I can say: Xenias will kick in Halos ass.

Imo wär ein Game wie Xenias "realistisch". Reggie hat ja gesagt, dass es mehrere "Genre-Mixes" geben wird. Xenias wär das perfekte beispiel dafür.
Das Interview soll echt sein :o ! Hier eine Stellungsname von N-Magazin:

About The Nintendo Interview:

Our team do not know who released this Fake Interview.
We received an Email about a Fake Interview with George Harrison
and Reggie Fils Aime.
But we never had such an interview!
We got a real interview from our partners in shortened form.
But the real interview is not with George Harrison.
Our Partners just talked with Reggie Fils-Aime!

First of all we released our Site: N-Magazine.de.hm yesterday.
After some hours the Server go down.
The Reason is a mystery.
And now we are looking for a new Provider.
This Beebworld Site is just for a transitional phase.

We also wrote an article with the
real Interview (shorted Form) last day.
There was just one problem. A translation Program made
so much failure that we have to delete this article.
But the fake Interview has a lot of core statements, which already
were in the shorted form.
We are sorry, if we confused some people.

Our partners will release the official Interview soon.

Das Interview soll also echt geführt worden sein und die erste falsche Version, die auf diesem Interview passiert, wurde umgeändert! Also ist es echt!
Kein Fake?!

Wenn das kein Fake ist dann wäre das Hammer. :D

Was seltsam ist, ist das 2-fache Laufwerk mit roten und blauen Laser.
Wenn sie Medien mit blauen Laserlicht unterstützen wieso nutzen sie dann nicht HD.
Aber vieles im Interview wurde schon gesagt und angesprochen.
Naja, was soll das für eine Seite sein? Voll die kleine Krüppelseite..

Naja, Panasonic wird sich da schon was einfallen lassen haben! Vielleicht wechselt dann vorne die LED die Farbe, je nach Laser ^^... Aber das wäre eine ganz gute Idee von Nintendo, so könnte man die richtige Größe auswählen je nach Spiel und damit Geld sparen.
/ajk schrieb:
Naja, was soll das für eine Seite sein? Voll die kleine Krüppelseite..


Ich hab mal ein bisschen rumgesucht. Man kann es auch hier lesen:

Gamers Master ist sowas wie bei uns die Gampro.
Nur die haben anscheinend auch einzelne Konsolen spezifische Mags. Also z.B Gamers Master: Gamecube oder Gamers Master: Xbox.
Der Artikel bzw das Interview stammt angeblich von Future Publishing.
Jaja der Future Verlag.. Hat schon die PC Player zerstört.. :(

Leuchtet das Licht des NRev blau bei NRev Datenträgern und Rot bei Cube Datenträgern? ^^ Wäre COOL

Naja die Seite ist auch nicht grad die Lösung.. Wo ist der Offizielle Link? ..

Xenias wird also ein Online Shooter... wenns sowas wie UT wird das lass ichs im Regal vergammeln und bevorzuge Halo! Wenns aber sowas wie Deus Ex wird das ist es gekauft.
Wenn die Steuerung für Shooter "revolutionär" gut geeignet ist, dann wirds gekauft.
Ansonsten interessieren mich Shooter auch weiterhin nen... ;)

Naja wenn das Interview echt ist, dann war das endlich mal wieder ein Interview bei dem man sagen kann "Klasse" und nicht "DOH!" wie bei den ganzen anderen.
MoX schrieb:
Xenias wird also ein Online Shooter...

Xenias wird garnichts, weil dieses Interview ein übler fake ist. Boah, hoffentlich gibts bald revo details und wenns nur dafür ist, nicht noch mehr fakes zu nähren...
MTC001 schrieb:
MoX schrieb:
Xenias wird also ein Online Shooter...

Xenias wird garnichts, weil dieses Interview ein übler fake ist. Boah, hoffentlich gibts bald revo details und wenns nur dafür ist, nicht noch mehr fakes zu nähren...

jaja aber mal angenommen das Interview ist echt, also angenommen Xenias ist auch echt und angenommen es ist ein Online Shooter, dann lass ich es im Regal vergammeln
MoX schrieb:
MTC001 schrieb:
MoX schrieb:
Xenias wird also ein Online Shooter...

Xenias wird garnichts, weil dieses Interview ein übler fake ist. Boah, hoffentlich gibts bald revo details und wenns nur dafür ist, nicht noch mehr fakes zu nähren...

jaja aber mal angenommen das Interview ist echt, also angenommen Xenias ist auch echt und angenommen es ist ein Online Shooter, dann lass ich es im Regal vergammeln

mal angenommen es gibt dann gar keine Regale mehr :o :P

Sonst stimm ich MTC zu, diese ganze Fakes nerven langsam, Nintendo sollte mal ein mit paar mehr Details rausrücken
Man weiß gar nicht mehr was echt ist, soviele Fakes gibt es. :lol:

Also Xenias hört sich interessant an, wenn man noch das alte Interview liest.
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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