PS4/XOne/Switch/PC Mortal Kombat 11

Schon wieder gibt es eine Liste die angeblich das ganze roster zeigt. Plus Infos zu allen möglichen Modi usw.

Base Roster
Liu Kang
Sonya Blade
Johnny Cage
Noob Saibot
Shang Tsung
Kung Lao
Bo' Rai Cho
Kotal Kahn
Erron Black
Cassie Cage
Jacqui Briggs
Kung Jin
Shao Kahn (Pre-Order Bonus)

Kombat Pack 1
Li Mei
Michael Myers

- Three celebrity voices in the game: Katee Sackhoff (Kronika), Kevin Conroy (Scorpion) and Ronda Rousey (Sonya Blade).

- Kronika is the main antagonist, boss and the Goddess of Time. She originally appeared in several endings in previous games. Raiden is the sub-boss of the game. Geras is at odds with Kronika, who wants to manipulate time to erase multiple timelines. Geras is attempting to thwart her plan by working with chosen warriors from different timelines. Reina is a new Outworld character and D'Vorah's replacement in Kotal Kahn's army. Diederik is a Black Dragon and Kano's offspring.

- Tag Team Mode returns. Works same as MK2011, both on and offline.

- Brutalities return same as in MKX.

- Hara-Kiri's replace Quitalities in online matches. Each character has a different animation of suicide. They are only available in online matches and cannot be used or inputted by a player as a form of finisher otherwise.

- Kombat Pack 1 will release character by character through the course of the summer. There will be a second pack of 6 more characters later in the year and into the following year. Kombat Pack 2's characters are not yet completely set in stone.

- X-Rays are no longer what they used to be. They are now used as animations mid-battle during certain specials to feel more fluid and cinematic. In their original place are Mortal Kombat's take on Injustice's Supers.

- New Time Towers are introduced. Work similarly to towers in Injustice 2. All timed and daily or weekly. Used to unlock rare moves and attires. There sre regular arcade towers still as well.

- Test Your Might and Test Your Luck returns.

- Attires and movesets are made in custom variation menus. They are unlocked through the new Krypt, Time Towers and reaching specific character or profile goals by levelling. They are not random drops through loot boxes. Levelling your profile and characters is done by winning matches, pulling off fatalities and other specific character feats.

- Story Mode is 15 chapters long. MK11 brings over the multiple character branching battle choices from Injustice 2. There are more than 12 cameos from other Mortal Kombat characters throughout Story Mode but no cameos you can fight against like in MKX.

- There are more than 15 arenas featured with about half of them returning klassics including the likes of Shang Tsung's Courtyard, The Pit, The Deadpool, The Lin Kuei Temple and Shao Kahn's Throne Room.
Und die Klassic Trilogy als bonus content. Oder separat im PSN verfügbar machen. Will die auf current gen zocken können :scan:
Wenn schon, dann soll es nicht Kombat Pack heissen, sondern Kombat Pak...
In nicht mal 2 Wochen bekommen wir schon das erste gameplay zu sehen. :banderas:

So ist es ... der Livestream am 17.1.2019 wird um 20.00 Uhr unserer Zeit starten:


Denke mal man wird das Ganze auf dem Twitch Netherrealm Account verfolgen können:

Bin gespannt aufs Gameplay sowohl optisch / technisch (da ja die Unreal 4 Engine nun zum Einsatz kommt), als auch natürlich auf die Charaktere und Moves ^^
Optisch erwarte ich keine Quantensprünge, eher feine Detailverbesserungen und noch flüssigere Abläufe :) Bin mal auf die neuen Gameplaymechaniken gespannt!

Ja... ich erwarte im Prinzip bessere Texturen und HDR inkl. Variablem 4K auf den stärkeren Konsolen.

Generell kann man sich imo optisch bereits über den Vorgänger nicht beschweren. Hat mir sehr gefallen.
Hätte schon Bock drauf wieder mal ein Mortal Kombat zu zocken.
Aber mich kotzt das jetzt schon an das man die Hälfte per DLC kaufen muss.
Ist ja schon Standard bei solchen Fight Games
Injustice 2 sah enhanced auf der one x schon mega gut aus.
Ich denke an den Animationen können sie noch einiges verbessern.
Und ich will wissen was es mit dem gore System auf sich hat.
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