G E N E R A L - D I F F E R E N C E S
Supports 1080p resolution
3DS and Wii U games are able to connect and play together locally.
G-Rank difficulty adds new challenges
New companion, Kayamba, joins alongside Cha-cha.
A companion can now join you in online mode if there is an empty slot.
Awards, similar to achievements, for completing certain tasks. (44 in total)
Supports text chat via with gamepad (no longer requires USB keyboard, though that is an option alongside built-in voice chat)
A new feature called Target Camera allows hunters to center the camera on nearby large monsters
Touch screen can be used for item combining and map/menu
*Sacred Land now has a ballista weapon for use
*Tower 3 area from Freedom Unite. Arena like area where rare monsters can be fought (Silver Rathalos, Gold Rathian, etc.)
*New Mountain Peaks area from Portable 3rd. Entire zone comparable in size to the other levels, with 9 sub-areas.
*New town, Tanjia Port, replaces Loc-Lac City.
*New 100% exclusive area, Disastrous Sea, is where players will fight Guran-Miraosu
W E A P O N S / A R M O R
*4 new weapon types: Dual Sword, Gunlance, Hunting Horn and Bow. All the weapons from Tri return.
*A new element "blast" is added to the game.
*G-rank versions of old armor receive graphical overhaul and look noticeably different
*New armor sets from all the new monsters
*New weapons from all the new monsters
S M A L L - M O N S T E R S
Gargwa, a round bird.
Zuwaroposu, a swamp herbivore.
Bullfango, a wild boar.
Anteka, an elk-like monster.
Furogi, a relative to the jaggi with a poison element.
L A R G E - M O N S T E R S
Japanese unconfirmed names in quotations
Plesioth, The Underwater Terror, Master of the Giant Lake
Lagombi, a white rabbit beast
"Dosufurogi", The Great Froggi
Duramboros, the Hammer-Tail wyvern
Nibelsnarf, Hunter Eater
Nargacuga, the Living Shadow, Black Beast
Arzuros, the blue bear beast.
Volvidon, the volcanic armadillo
Zinogre, the thunder wolf wyvern.
Brachydios, the crushing wyvern
L A R G E - M O N S T E R - S U B S P E C I E S
These are monsters with slight variations to their attacks and behavior. While some are hardly changed at all, others are changed enough that they deserve to be counted as a unique monster. (But we won't!)
Technically, this is an expansion of Tri, but it is an amazing one at that. 4 new weapon types, 11 completely new unique monsters, and in total over 50 monsters including rare and elusive subspecies with different attack pools and habitats, and dozens of new armors and weapons to collect make this the 'ultimate' hunting experience.