PlatformWAR Microsoft vs. Nintendo vs. Sony

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Auch wenn es im War rauer zugehen mag, solltet ihr ein gewisses Maß an Anstand bewahren und euren Gegenüber nicht herabwürdigen.
Wer ernsthaft eine Series x wollte, hat jetzt ohne Probleme eine bekommen können
Richtig, dank MS die ihre Produktion massiv hochgefahren haben, DAMIT die Leute kaufen konnten. Dass sie ueber Tage verfuegbar waren, ist weniger ein Testament dafuer, dass sie niemand wollte, sondern dass man genug fuer die Nachfrage zur Verfuegung stellen konnte.
Lego Skywalker Grafik Vergleich gegen PC

- PS5: Dynamic 2160p at 30fps (common 1980p) or Dynamic 1440p at 60fps (common 1368p)
- Series X: Dynamic 2160p at 30fps (common 2160p) or Dynamic 2160p at 60fps (common 1872p)
- Series S: Dynamic 1260p at 30fps (common 1152p) or Dynamic 1260p at 60fps (common 1152p)
- The PC version runs with all settings at maximum.
- All versions have the same quality of shadows, textures, ambient occlusion and draw distance.
- The PC version has slight advantages in reflections. There is also less pop-in in this version.
- This time Series X has a clear advantage over PS5 in both performance and resolution.
- PS5 suffers from some tearing issues and framerate drops in some large areas.
- Load times are slightly faster on PC and Xbox compared to PS5.
- I feel that the 30fps mode of Series S has not been given enough attention. They could have reached 1440p perfectly.
- Series X is undoubtedly the best optimized platform in this game. Series S and PS5 have a good performance, but could be improved.

ooooh :coolface:
Lego Skywalker Grafik Vergleich gegen PC

- PS5: Dynamic 2160p at 30fps (common 1980p) or Dynamic 1440p at 60fps (common 1368p)
- Series X: Dynamic 2160p at 30fps (common 2160p) or Dynamic 2160p at 60fps (common 1872p)
- Series S: Dynamic 1260p at 30fps (common 1152p) or Dynamic 1260p at 60fps (common 1152p)
- The PC version runs with all settings at maximum.
- All versions have the same quality of shadows, textures, ambient occlusion and draw distance.
- The PC version has slight advantages in reflections. There is also less pop-in in this version.
- This time Series X has a clear advantage over PS5 in both performance and resolution.
- PS5 suffers from some tearing issues and framerate drops in some large areas.
- Load times are slightly faster on PC and Xbox compared to PS5.
- I feel that the 30fps mode of Series S has not been given enough attention. They could have reached 1440p perfectly.
- Series X is undoubtedly the best optimized platform in this game. Series S and PS5 have a good performance, but could be improved.

ooooh :coolface:
Die "CPU unwichtig Lüge" zum PS4 launch hat nicht gereicht um den Leuten die Augen zu öffnen, sie sind direkt in die Zauber SSD Lüge rein gesprungen.
Mei es gab auch Zeitfenster in der die PS5 sehr gut verfügbar war. Dennoch würd niemand daran zweifeln das das Gerät weiterhin schwer erhältlich ist…außer in mermaidmans Müller :coolface:
Hier gibts noch ein paar
Lego Skywalker Grafik Vergleich gegen PC

- PS5: Dynamic 2160p at 30fps (common 1980p) or Dynamic 1440p at 60fps (common 1368p)
- Series X: Dynamic 2160p at 30fps (common 2160p) or Dynamic 2160p at 60fps (common 1872p)
- Series S: Dynamic 1260p at 30fps (common 1152p) or Dynamic 1260p at 60fps (common 1152p)
- The PC version runs with all settings at maximum.
- All versions have the same quality of shadows, textures, ambient occlusion and draw distance.
- The PC version has slight advantages in reflections. There is also less pop-in in this version.
- This time Series X has a clear advantage over PS5 in both performance and resolution.
- PS5 suffers from some tearing issues and framerate drops in some large areas.
- Load times are slightly faster on PC and Xbox compared to PS5.
- I feel that the 30fps mode of Series S has not been given enough attention. They could have reached 1440p perfectly.
- Series X is undoubtedly the best optimized platform in this game. Series S and PS5 have a good performance, but could be improved.

ooooh :coolface:

Das Spiel scheint ja echt gut zu sein. Bin überrasch.
Lego Skywalker Grafik Vergleich gegen PC

- PS5: Dynamic 2160p at 30fps (common 1980p) or Dynamic 1440p at 60fps (common 1368p)
- Series X: Dynamic 2160p at 30fps (common 2160p) or Dynamic 2160p at 60fps (common 1872p)
- Series S: Dynamic 1260p at 30fps (common 1152p) or Dynamic 1260p at 60fps (common 1152p)
- The PC version runs with all settings at maximum.
- All versions have the same quality of shadows, textures, ambient occlusion and draw distance.
- The PC version has slight advantages in reflections. There is also less pop-in in this version.
- This time Series X has a clear advantage over PS5 in both performance and resolution.
- PS5 suffers from some tearing issues and framerate drops in some large areas.
- Load times are slightly faster on PC and Xbox compared to PS5.
- I feel that the 30fps mode of Series S has not been given enough attention. They could have reached 1440p perfectly.
- Series X is undoubtedly the best optimized platform in this game. Series S and PS5 have a good performance, but could be improved.

ooooh :coolface:
Komisch dass du niemals Vergleiche postest , wo die PS5 dominiert . Neutral und so ….
... keine weiteren Fragen!
du hast vergessen zu erwähnen, dass der PS5 60fps Modus wie crap aussieht :coolface:

Das Spiel scheint ja echt gut zu sein. Bin überrasch.
dazu noch ist Coop am PC die beste Version

dazu noch ein voller Erfolg

Komisch dass du niemals Vergleiche postest , wo die PS5 dominiert . Neutral und so ….

gegen PC dominiert die PS5 genau nirgendwo...
Aber hey, scheint dich ja zu treffen, finde ich gut. :ugly:
Als ob du und die anderen Blauen es anders machen.

Xbox kürzere Ladezeiten als PS5.
Hat die Xbox nun die bessere SSD? Oder liegt es nicht doch eher an der nicht optimalen Optimierung an die Hardware?
Stelle dir die Frage doch auch wenn die Ladezeit bei der PS5 deutlich kürzer ist .
Ich habe dir nichts versprochen , evtl solltest du paar Treiber aktualisieren
Aber hast du dich nicht ständig über Ladezeiten lustig gemacht?


"das muss die Xbox erstmal nachmachen" :lol:
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