DF tech preview zu Halo: Far Cryfinite
„However, while there is a big improvement in so many areas, there's the sense that the game still needs significant polish. Halo Infinite kicks off with a cinematic pre-rendered movie that's washed out in HDR and runs choppily, leaving a bad first impression in a game where we really want to see 343 put its best foot forward from the off. Gameplay is mostly very smooth, but cutscenes have profound issues. Interestingly, they do run at 60fps, but elements like camera motion and animation seem to run at arbitrary update rates - and it looks poor. Facial animation seems locked to 30fps, which doesn't make sense for a game that runs at up to 120fps. Looking back at Halo 5, the cutscenes may have been locked to 30fps but they exhibited none of the issues seen in Infinite. It's so jarring that we do wonder whether a 30fps cap may be the best temporary fix to eliminate the many visual discontinuities seen here - and the
illusion of a game running its otherwise impressive cinematics at an inconsistent 30fps or even lower.“
„Watching these jerky cutscenes play out before transitioning seamlessly to a much smoother 60fps in-game just looks bizarre. However, crucially, the motion in-game is smooth and looks so much better, but even here there are issues: key animations like grappling, mantling, reloading, crouching and tossing grenades can all run at lower frame-rates than the game itself. So, while the game runs at a consistent level of performance, visual cues from the game itself don't, giving the perception of bad judder. We've seen problems like this resolved in The Master Chief Collection - in fact, latterly 343 Industries has done a good job in responding to feedback and fixing issues like this. While on the one hand, it's strange to see these problems manifest
again in Halo Infinite, there is a high probability that they will be fixed“