Crossplay mit Xbox 360 Konsolen war mit der Bedingung GFWL gekoppelt. Kein Publisher wollte das, kein Spieler wollte das und es war deshalb ein riesiger Flop. Sony ermöglicht seit der PS2 crossplay wie Entwickler es wollten und MS blockierte das immernoch bis irgendwann Phil Spencer rudern musste. Das bekommst du aus allen Interviews und Berichten mit.
We recently had the pleasure of taking part in a round-table interview with Naoki Yoshida, discussing Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers.
[UPDATE] Microsoft says, "For developers interested in enabling cross-platform game play between Xbox One and PC, we work with them closely to meet their development needs and ensure a great user experience."
'Portal 2' for PlayStation 3 is getting a better offering than Microsoft, and according to Valve, Microsoft chose this route despite being offered the same features.
Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn director Naoki Yoshida confirmed that the reason the MMO isn't coming to a Microsoft c…
I'm supposed to be telling you about a new video game called Defiance, but... I have to tell you something else: I saw one guy controlling the game on an Xbox 360. Another was playing in on a PlayStation 3
Your source for the latest in video games, sci-fi, fantasy, tabletop games, anime, horror, books, and comics.
There's a war brewing for the hearts and minds of the videogame industry's independent developers. The weird thing is, Microsoft doesn't seem interested in participating.
Paragon has been confirmed to run at 900P@60 on PlayStation 4. The game uses NVIDIA's APEX for clothing and a slide might have slipped an XB1 port.
Tatsache ist, dass Sony mit dem Erfolg der PS4 kein cross-play mehr mit anderen Konsolen wollte, aber das ist ja wie du wunderbar beweist auch schnell gekippt und die Geschichtsrevision entstand.