Starfield was Xbox's most anticipated game of the year and it turned out to be an underwhelming dud. 30FPS only on the worlds most powerful console, non stop loading screens, no actual space flight, just click menus and watch a loading screen, horrible exploration with 980 empty barren planets that all look the same, hideous character models, generic bland narrative, choices made are inconsequential, etc. Easily Bethesda's worst game ever, even worse than FO76.
Redfall was also hyped up, and shills in early previews said it was a GOTY contender. Turned out to be the worst AAA game in the last 5+ years. It was stuck at 30fps on the world's most powerful console for 6 months, the 60fps patch wasn't enough to save it. Planned DLC that people paid $30 for still hasn't released 8+ months. It's sad that none of the people who played it early could give the gamers a heads up, but shills are gonna shill I guess.
Forza Motorsport (8) was another highly anticipated game that flopped miserably. The game was in development for 6 years but still launched with countless bugs, supposedly "built from the ground up" but has a ton of reused assets, a next gen only game but loses to Gran Turismo 7 in every single aspect, game is still completely broken on PC after 2 months. The entire racing game community was bewildered that it won best racing at TGA.
HiFi Rush was the only good game, but as I said earlier, received very little support from Microsoft. It's a shame that such an amazing game didn't get the respect it deserved, thankfully Xbox is going 3rd party so hopefully this will get a physical release on Switch 2 and PS5 and I'll buy it again.
Kurz und bündig zusammengefasst, was die Leute gern verdrängen. Microsoft hat versagt