Mal komisches as einem anspielbericht von destructiod:
- Targeting is completely automatic - point into the direction of the enemies and blast 'em.
--> Also mit dem Steuerkreuz in die richtung, denn rest erledigt das autoaim.
- Okay, now, this is a shocker, a gamechanger, a gamebreaker, call it what you will, but it fundamentally changes Metroid. Items are no longer found through exploration, instead, your Commanding Officer will authorize the use of various items - in the section Destructoid played, the commander authorized morph ball bombs.
- No, not done yet. Remember hunting around for energy? How about missiles? Forget about doing so ever again, or at least in Metroid Other M. Tilt the wiimote vertically and hold "A" to replenish your missile supply at any time... doing the same if your health dips into the red will replenish one energy tank at a time.
--> das hört sich jetzt komisch an, mehr lineares actiongeballer als erkundung. vor allem das mit energie und waffen aufladen.