- Seit
- 26 Dez 2006
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- 37.923
Kann Miles das mal bitte jemand erklären?![]()

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Kann Miles das mal bitte jemand erklären?![]()
fands witzig wie es so als Bombe dargestellt wurde.... hat mich völlig kalt gelassen.
So, mal sehen, ob Ruffy heute doch noch Jinbei klarmacht.![]()
Cover story is Tonjit
650: You Should Keep These Two Changes In Mind
Three ancient weapons with the names of gods.
Pluton, Uranus, Poseidon
One is Shirahoshi.
If this was known, everyone would go after her, right?
Robin and Neptune's conversation
The one listening to it was Caribou
Luffy is told of the happenings of the past two years by Jinbe
Akainu and Aokiji had a fight
Sengoku pushed for Aokiji to be the next Fleet Admiral, but the head honchos in the government wanted to install Akainu
For that reason, Akainu and Aokji (who isn't usually the type to want to fight) had a duel
After a 10 day long struggle to the death,
Akainu won. Sakazuki is the new fleet admiral.
Akainu showed sympathy for Aokiji and didn't kill him, but Aokiji left the Marines.
His whereabouts are unknown. He quit the marines."
As for Blackbeard,
He knew Whitebeard's territory all too well,
and took it over in a flash. The world is already too late (in trouble)
BB has joined the ranks of Shanks, Kaidou, and Big Mam as a Yonkou.
The conversation turns to other such events, but Luffy tires of listening halfway through.
Luffy appears as Caribou is persecuting Shirahoshi
Caribou runs
With the Tamatebako in hand, Caribou flees.
The royal troops arrive
and inform everyone about the situation with Hody and the gang
They now appear to be very old men
ES were inside the Tamatebako
Another soldier comes to tell about Big Mam's messenger brat (?)
Soldier: "We don't have this month's offering of candy!
It was all given to the Strawhats at the banquet!"
Minister of the Right: "Should we make an excuse... to that monster who would attack our country us just for some candy- Big Mam?!"
Teils krasse Enthüllungen. ... Aber...
Tamatebako? ES? :-? :-? :-?
Interessant wäre auch zu erfahren, was Garp gerade treibt. Oder die Überreste von WB alter Bande.
geniales chapter imho, auch wenn ichs schade finde, dass die marine noch einseitiger "böse" wird und einen ziemlichen "brain drain" erhalten hat. sengoku weg, garp weg, ao kiji weg :-/
hoffentlich kommen ein paar neue chars, um die rollen zu ersetzen und etwas abwechslung rein zu bringen.
endlich big mumund das mit blackbeard war ja zu erwarten.
Ich persönlich würde ja auf Kopfgeldjäger tippen. Die neutralste Position zwischen Marine und Piraten.[Doujinshi]Shirahoshi_getting_muddy.rar incoming!
Sehr interessante Einblicke in diesem Chapter. Bin gespannt, welche neue Rolle Aokiji kriegt.