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Habe da aufgehört, wo sie den Elefanten erklimmen, weiß gar nicht wie viele Chapter ich vor mir habe. Lohnt sich weiterlesen am Stück oder sollte ich noch ein Jahr wartenIch sehe gerade dasss es "nur" 17 Chapter sind, damn ich dachte das wären mindestens 25
unaware of Javks arrival they move to a new location
talk about Luffy’s hat, Luffy asks if they known Shanks too
Inu and Neko sailed with Roger but we’re not crew mates
At the time Shanks and Buggy were apprentices
Inu and Neko where Whitebeard’s men, Newgate was a servant of Oden
The truth is Newgate and Roger reached Raftel together
After reaching Raftel Oden closed Wano off to the world
it was at Oden’s behest that Newgate wouldn’t claim to fame
Roger and Newgate would become acquaintances
there is talk about the severity of a particular crime
The race to Raftel was magical like “sea clouds floating in climate” (difficult to translate)
Those days were fun floating on the ocean floor according to Neko
Luffy asks if about Rayleigh and Franky asks about Tom
Inu and Neko are surprised to meet Desciples of Roger’s men
Brook tries to add something to the story about his last but Nami interupts
Nami asks about the logpose’s ability to trace
She believes she has enough information now to determine the whereabouts
Nami asks about Twin Capes and Crocus and says she can cross-trace Raftel
Neko wonders if Crocus is okay, Luffy says he was healthy two years ago
Brook finally speaks and Mention some connection to his crew being wiped out
Nami becomes angry Neko isn’t responding until he says the secret has been discocered
Neko says the original log is the end point (difficult to translate)
Inu laughs and tells Nami not to worry if she makes a mistake
Luffy praises Nami as a navigator
Neko says they have things to do before they can fight Kaido
Marco came to see Inu and Neko a year ago and they fought Blackbeard together
Robin reveals Blackbeard’s win against Whitebeard remnants gained him yonko status
Neko says Marco’s whereabouts and status are presently unknown
Robin says it was a pretty big fight
Neko admits they were totally defeated
Luffy reflects on never seeing the WB pirates again after losing consciousness at the war
After Luffy speaks on Ace and WB pirates Raizo determined they need a strategy
Zoro asks if Shogun will be the next target
Raizo confirms but ipowerful allied enemies are guarding the borders
Law claim they can infiltrate undetected with his Submarine all he need ls a bibli card
At the feast the alliance is celebrated, Nami tells Luffy he needs to go and she wants to come
Chopper refuses to let Pekoms with his injuries and Brooks plays depressing music
Luffy hears Zunisha’s cry, Zou is being attacked
wenn diese spoiler stimmen, dann hat oda einfach alle mal getrollt...krasser scheiss, kann das Chap kaum noch abwarten.
vermutlich noch mehr ^^ soviele rieseninfos die letzten chaps, wo jede einzelnde ein Arc wert wäre ^^
Odas Mut zur Wahrheit in diesem Arc ist einfach der Hammer.
Er hat ja zu Rayleigh auch gesagt: Keine Angst ich sterbe nicht.