Manga Manga in Perfektion: One Piece

Da hat man 1 Tag kein I-net und was sehe ich da, das Kapitel kam schon gestern raus xD
Kapitel selbst war ok gewesen.
Nein ist es nicht, Ruffy hat abgelehnt, ddas die anderen das nicht akzeptieren ist was anderes

Doch, er hat angenommen, nur unter der Bedingung nicht als Boss gesehen zu werden und jedem seine Freiheiten zu lassen. Er hilft ihnen trotzdem bei Bedarf und umgekehrt und sie segeln mit seinem Segen unter seiner Flagge.
Finde die Lösung so wie sie nun kam eigentlich perfekt. Ruffy lehnt wie erwartet ab und sagt den anderen sie sollen machen was sie wollen. Und die anderen machen dann genau das was sie wollen. Eben Ruffys Partner bzw Flotte zu sein. Bin schon so auf die nächsten Kapitel gespannt. :-)
Cover von Band 79 ist bekannt:

Mir gefällt es ganz gut.
Doch, er hat angenommen, nur unter der Bedingung nicht als Boss gesehen zu werden und jedem seine Freiheiten zu lassen. Er hilft ihnen trotzdem bei Bedarf und umgekehrt und sie segeln mit seinem Segen unter seiner Flagge.

Sehe ich nicht so. Er hat gesagt er hilft ihnen auch ohne dieses Vater-Kind Ding. Ruffy hat auf seine Art angenommen, aber niemand von denen darf unter Ruffys Flagge segeln. Es ist keine Whitebeard Situation wo sich jemand Streß einhandelt weil er Streß macht in einer Gegend oder gegen eine Crew, die unter seiner Flagge segelt.
Sehe ich nicht so. Er hat gesagt er hilft ihnen auch ohne dieses Vater-Kind Ding. Ruffy hat auf seine Art angenommen, aber niemand von denen darf unter Ruffys Flagge segeln. Es ist keine Whitebeard Situation wo sich jemand Streß einhandelt weil er Streß macht in einer Gegend oder gegen eine Crew, die unter seiner Flagge segelt.

wie oft siehst du hier whitebards flagge eigentlich so?


und dass fishman island laut ruffy sein gebiet ist und unter seinem schutz steht und er deshalb im krieg mit mom steht, sollte dir noch bekannt sein. :-P

Spoiler 801




- Monkey D. Luffy: 500,000,000 Berries.
- Roronoa Zoro: 320,000,000 Berries.
- Nico Robin: 130,000,000 Berries.
- Franky: 94,000,000 Berries.
- Usopp: 200,000,000 Berries.
- Sanji: 177,000,000 Berries.
- Nami: 66,000,000 Berries.
- Chopper: 100 Berries.
- Brook: 83,000,000 Berries.

Lysop damit die Nummer 3 der Strohhüte xD Mehr gesteiegn als erwartet ausser Chopper^^ Bartos Schiff ist auch so lächerlich :lol:
Barthos Schiff, zu gut :lol:
Hier nochmal die Zusammenfassung:

Declaration of Opening
(opening of a show, event, etc)

Cover is Cavendish and his horse giving water to his roses

A "mysterious man in mask with curly hair and a pigeon on his shoulder" (gee, who could it be *cough* Rob *cough*) who belongs to CP0 is receiving report that all the weapons, paperwork, any trace of smuggling were gone from Dressrosa. They suspect the Revolutionaries have taken them.

Dressrosa are celebrating, with Violetta dancing flamenco in front of the citizens, as King Riku makes a proposal to his people.

He introduces Tontatta elder and Princess Mansherry as the crowd cheers on.
Meanwhile Leo hands over blueprints of something to the crafters of Dressrosa.
They start working on making statues for Lucy, Usopp, and Kyros before they even rebuild their homes. This is apparently higher priority.

We see Rebecca shopping in the streets along with princess Mansherry on her shoulder, as the narrator says anyone visiting this country will see little dwarves co-existing with humans in peace. (it's a parallel to the opening of Dressrosa, where it was taking about humans and toys co-existing)

Dressrosa, country of love, passion, and fairies.

Meanwhile on marine ship, Fujitora tells Sengoku that once he's done escorting them he'll sail out for a trip. He's not allowed to set foot in any marine base until he brings the head of Law and Straw Hat.
Sengoku tells him all he needs to do to save Sakazuki's face is one word of apology, but Fujitora declines. He has a face to save for himself.
Sengoku sighs in stubbornness of the two.

Meanwhile Tsuru has a chat with Doflamingo, who is locked up in the cell.
Dofla tells her Fujitora was an idiot, if only he had worked with him, he wouldn't be in his sticky position. He tells her they will regret taking him down.

Tsuru tells him there's no "what ifs" in this world. This result is the only reality.
Stop being so pathetic, you LOST.

He laughs, and she asks him what will happen to the pirate world now.
Dofla tells her what do you think monsters who lost their food will do?
Is there anyone in this sea right now who stands at the top?
Who will be the king of the sea? One of the Four Emperors? Or one of the seven warlords?
Or perhaps the brats of the "Worst Generation"?
(awesome picture of the super novas, shichibukai, and yonkou btw!)

Or perhaps the Army of justice.. the marines are the rulers of the sea?
Then again we also have powerful folks in the Revolutionaries...

Where and when will the clan of "D" show up?
Who will be on who's side? Who will betray who?
Why don't you go tell the Celestial dragons in Marie Jois, that they'll be dragged down from their place?
25 years after Gold Roger completed the Grand Line.
His rival Whitebeard never took the throne, and settled for seat before it.

But how about now? There are more pirates than ever, yet the throne is empty!
You understand what I'm saying... the biggest conflict for the throne in history of pirates will begin now!

Doflamingo laughs, and asks Tsuru to provide him newspapers every day if you're taking me to Impel Down. As long as I have that, I won't be bored.

Meanwhile, someone stares at the 4 marine ships carrying Doflamingo.
Only 4 ships, but the men on the ship are way too powerful for mere escort. (Fujitora, Tsuru, Sengoku, etc)
The man reports to captain Jack that taking back Lord Doflamingo isn't possible.
But Jack isn't satisfied. He tells him who the hell do you think I am? Of course we're attacking!!

Meanwhile Luffy on Barto's ship
flagship "Going Luffy Sempai" with Luffy as the figurehead and modeled after Going Merry.
Their compass uses Luffy's vivre card to point towards the real Luffy lol

All the members of Barto Club seems to be huge fan of the Straw Hats, and cries in joy of their arrival.

short flashback: Sabo had made Luffy's Vivre card.
Bellamy tells Luffy that he won't become his underling, but he'll take a piece of it just in case. The seven captains who pledged oath to Luffy have all taken a piece of Luffy's vivre card before leaving as well, promising to see their lord again.

Luffy says it was fun, and he has come to like them all.
Law tells Barto to send the ship to Zou
Usopp wonders if Sanji got to the island, and Franky is worried about Big Mam's ship.
Zoro is reading the newspaper, and notices their bounties have gone up.

Barto says he has all the new wanted posters in his room, and he'll show it to the straw hats. He also tells Law that his bounty has increased to 500 million, but Law seems uninterested.

In Barto's room, the new wanted posters were framed on the wall.
Luffy 500m
Zoro 320m
Usopp 200m
Robin 130m
Franky 94m

Franky complains about Usopp being higher, leaving only him under 100m.
Usopp tells him to look more carefully, Nami and others are there too

Sanji 177m
Nami 66m
Brook 83m
Chopper 100 berry

Barto explains that other than few who were notably dangerous, most of them got a flat 50m increase. But he notes that Sanji's wanted poster is strangely different from others...
Not only does the increase amount different pattern from others, it doesn't say "Dead or Alive".. instead it says "Only Alive"!

End of chapter

Interessant is auch die ''Only Alive'' Angabe bei Sanji. Gibt ja die wildesten Theorien, wie zB. das seine Eltern evtl. Himmelsdrachen sind, oder waren usw. mal gucken was es damit aus sich hat ^^
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Urgz...das mit Sanji...erinnert mich an ein Gerücht (angeblich Leak) aus dem Reddit vor kurzem wie es mit One Piece weitergeht und die Entwicklung gefällt mir Null, die dort angesprochen wurde...Für diejenigen, die wissen wollen was ich meine:

Law will lose his eye in the war against Kaido. Chooper will die by the Hands of Kaido. The Girl in Chapter 795 will be the next Cutie of the Strawhats. Kaido is a suicidal man because he lost hiss on. He also has a daughter. Kaido is Zorros Father . Zorro will kill his father, after Kaido kills Chopper. After Zorro and Luffy beat Kaido, Luffy will get Captured by Smoker and sent to Impel Down. Sabo and the Strawhats will Rescue him. Bon lay will join the Crew. Sanji will get his Moment with Big Mom and Zorro with Kaido . Big Mom will kill Jimbei and Luffy will Destroy Her with Sanji. Big Mom Knows Everything About Sanji. Sanji is a Prince of a forbidden Kingdom. Sanji was hiding a Big Thing tot he Strawhats about his past. Blackbeard will start a war against the marine and win it. Blackbeard kills Shanks and becomes the Pirate King for a short time.

Ansonsten sehr cooles Kapitel.
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