Kinect vs. PSMove vs. MotionPlus

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Welches Konzept berzeugt Euch am meisten?

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With PlayStation Move just a month away, we’ve been amazed at just how much software support the device has been receiving. We always expected the practicality of the device and the simplistic nature of its implementation (be it optional, or required) would make for a strong software line-up, but we never imagined the catch would be quite so large. With today’s confirmation that DanceDanceRevolution PS3 will support the PlayStation Move, the tally of confirmed titles is now up to a whopping 46. By comparison, there are just 26 games announced with Kinect support — five of which are purely fitness games, while several other games (Forza Kinect, Milo & Kate, Star Wars Kinect) appear to be little more than concept demos.

With so much content announced, we thought we’d compile a list of all the titles set to take advantage of PlayStation Move over the next 12 months. There’s a lot of stuff here, so get your reading glasses on.

Games lineup correct as of 11th August 2010:

* Ape Escape Fury! Fury! – expected to justify PlayStation Move controls in the same way that the original set the precedent for dual analogue control. Will probably be formally announced at the Tokyo Game Show.
* Beat Sketch! – the title bundled with Japanese PlayStation Moves, Beat Sketch appears to be an augmented version of Mario Paint. Probably not enough to hold your attention for too long, but perhaps an exciting tech demo?
* Brunswick Pro Bowling – because every motion controller needs a bowling games. The developers claim the Move helps accuracy a helluva lot, and seeing as bowling’s not included in Sports Champions, this might be a first pick-up for many.
* DanceDanceRevolution PS3 – the video game dance pioneers return with a Move controlled dance game. Details are slim as of publishing time, but the game’s expected to be blown later this week.
* Dead Space: Extraction – port of the Wii rails shooter will have complete support for PlayStation Move. Will be included free with Dead Space 2. Hopefully Move support will be announced for the complete package.
* Deadliest Catch: Sea Of Chaos – little more than an announcement at the moment, but the sequel to the PC/XBOX 360 title is confirmed to have Move support.
* Echochrome II – PlayStation Network puzzler with perhaps the most interesting implementation of the PlayStation Move yet; you control a flash-light to reveal secret pathways via shadows.
* EyePet – updated version of last year’s cute pet simulation — Move controls should make the game a little more intuitive.
* The Fight: Lights Out – first PlayStation Move title to require two wands as standard, this is a gritty gesture-based brawler due shortly after the Move’s launch.
* Flight Control HD – an iPhone classic heading to the PlayStation Network, replacing touch-screen controls for PlayStation Move.
* Flower – a Move patch is expected to improve the SIXAXIS controls of thatgamecompany’s PSN title, flower.
* Heavy Rain – getting a complete re-release to support PlayStation Move, Heavy Rain will replace its original button gestures with physical PlayStaiton Move controls. Will be available as a patch to those who already own the game.
* Heroes On The Move – conceptually brilliant PlayStation mascot cross-over. Gameplay details are unknown however.
* High Velocity Bowling – Sony’s SIXAXIS controlled bowling title is expected to get a patch in order to incorporate improved PlayStation Move controlled strokes.
* Hustle Kings – the multiplayer driven PSN pool title, Hustle Kings, is expected to get PlayStation Move support in the near future.
* John Daly’s ProStroke Golf – the first game in the PlayStation Move’s golfing arsenal, promises realistic motion controlled swings.
* Grand Slam Tennis – loosely confirmed for the PlayStation 3, the sequel to the Wii Motion Plus title is likely to take full advantage of the PlayStation Move’s advanced accuracy.
* NBA 2K11 – it’s not known how 2K’s annual sports franchise will take advantage of the PlayStation Move, but support has been confirmed by 2K.
* Killzone 3 – another flash E3 announcement, Killzone 3’s PlayStation Move support has yet to be fully detailed, but has been confirmed for launch.
* Kung-Fu Rider – a whacky title from Japan Studio, in which players control an office chair through Japanese environments.
* LittleBigPlanet – unlikely to get Move support now LittleBigPlanet 2 is due release, the original LBP was originally used to showcase the potential of the PlayStation Move controller.
* LittleBigPlanet 2 – Media Molecule’s confirmed that LittleBigPlanet 2 will support PlayStation Move, though there will only be a “taster” at launch. Full support’s expected after the game’s November release date.
* Little Legue World Series 2010 – the first baseball game announced with PlayStation Move support. Will probably paved the way for Move controls in MLB The Show 2011.
* Michael Jackson: The Experience – the second dance game in PlayStation Move’s arsenal focuses entirely on Michael Jackson’s catalogue.
* PAIN – Sony’s frequently supported human-catapult title is due a Move control patch at some point in the near future.
* Planet Minigolf – the Playstation Network party-title’s set to get PlayStation Move support via a patch.
* Racquet Sports – Ubisoft’s Nintendo Wii title jumps ship; Racquet Sports features a mix of tennis variants with PlayStation Move controls.
* Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition – bringing the excellent pointer controls of the Wii’s Resident Evil 4 to the PlayStation Move via a patch.
* RUSE – the first of hopefully many RTS games set to take advantage of PlayStation Move’s pointer accuracy.
* Sesame Street – details are extremely scarce, but a video game adaptation of Sesame Street was confirmed to have PlayStation Move support. It’s status is currently unknown.
* SingStar Dance – extension of the popular SingStar franchise will add in dance moves to the karaoke package.
* The Sly Collection – not a focal point of the game, but the collection of updated PlayStation 2 Sly Cooper games will include some PlayStation Move mini-games as a bonus.
* SOCOM 4 – the most “traditional” title in Sony’s initial PlayStation Move line-up, SOCOM 4 brings tactical shooting to the PlayStation Move with the enhanced accuracy of pointer-controls.
* Sorcery – perhaps the most exciting PlayStation Move demonstration at Sony’s E3 press conference, Sorcery mixes motion controls with more traditional game design to create an interesting package. Graphically it needs more personality, but the first look was exciting.
* Sports Champions – arguably the first “must have” title in PlayStation Move’s launch line-up, Sports Champions includes a mixture of motion controlled sports that showcase the power of the Move controller.
* Start The Party – augmented reality party game which uses the PlayStation Eye and Move controller to place a number of objects in the player’s hand.
* Lord Of The Rings: Aragorn’s Quest – likely to use the PlayStation Move controller to replicate sword fighting within the Lord Of The Rings universe. Confirmed, but details are scarce.
* The Shoot – rails-shooter set within a movie set. Concept sounds simple but the graphics are stunning. Could be a bit of a sleeper hit.
* Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 – updated via a patch around launch, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 is the second proper golf game to get PlayStation Move support.
* Time Crisis: Razing Storm – another rails shooter, includes three variations of the Time Crisis formula – including Time Crisis 4.
* Toy Story 3 – likely to get its mini-games enhanced by a patch for PlayStation Move.
* Tron Evolution – once again, there are no details regarding Tron Evolution’s PlayStation Move support, but it’s likely the implementation will be similar to the Nintendo Wii version.
* Tumble – interesting PlayStation Move puzzler which demonstrates the precise abilities of the Move controller. Players must stack blocks on top of each other, creating a balanced tower.
* TV Superstars – typically SCEUK party game with a range of activities. Plays on the “celebrity” lifestyle by taking players faces and mapping them to characters, magazine covers, etc.
* Under Siege – PlayStation Move controller real-time strategy game due on the PlayStation Network later this year. Will have support for user-created content.
* Zumba Fitness – also due on the Wii and XBOX 360, Zumba Fitness is designed around the “Zumba” dance programme.

Fettgedruckten werden gekauft. Dead Space Extraction ist dann eher ein Bonus zu DS2. Die Unterstrichenen muss ich erstmal genauer ansehen. die Kursiven sind schon im Besitz.

Also so spontan hab ich mir die Anschaffung damit gerechtfertigt. ;)

Was mir in der Liste auffällt, wurde nicht Move auch in irgendeiner Form für GT5 bestätigt?

Thema Gebärdensprache: War nur ein Patent und MS wird dran arbeiten. Bei Digital Foundry wurde aber schon mal angesprochen, dass Fingerbewegungen aufgrund der niedrigeren Auflösung nicht erkannt werden können. Aber dies ist wohl eine Kostenfrage wie bei jedem Unternehmen.
Schon krass wie viele Spiele mit Move-Support kommen. Schon zum Release unterstützen mehr Spiele Move als es Spiele für Motion+ gibt. :goodwork:
Wozu brauchst nen SD Eingang? Externe Festplatte über USB hat viel mehr Speicher und ist viel komfortabler. ;)

Das einzige was ich will ist die Möglichkleit wieder PS2 Spiele abzuspielen, den die sehen teils echt geil aus über HDMI..das ist das größte Manko, aber SD kartenSlot, draufgeschissen. :D
Wozu brauchst nen SD Eingang? Externe Festplatte über USB hat viel mehr Speicher und ist viel komfortabler. ;)

Das einzige was ich will ist die Möglichkleit wieder PS2 Spiele abzuspielen, den die sehen teils echt geil aus über HDMI..das ist das größte Manko, aber SD kartenSlot, draufgeschissen. :D

wozu ?
SD karten sind billiger.
und ne foto kamera direkt an der PS3 anzuschließen geht nicht.Findet er nicht.
schon mal mit einer anderen formatierung versucht? HFS+ und FAT32 klappt bei der 360 wunderbar

wie will man nen usb-hub formatieren :v:

glaub eher das das am hub liegt (weil die ps3 liest einfach nicht wenns nen falsches format ist, sowas bringt die ned zum abkratzen)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
wir können ja mal wieder zum thema zurückkehren.
(nur halt schade das es kein SD eingang hat.Und mit dem Adapter stürzt die ab)

Aber wieder zurück zum eigentlichen thema.
@Jippijeahjeah:[/B] Jemand der auf der Gamescom rumrennt und dumme Kommentare von sich gibt wie:

Olli: "Der DS ist aus"
Du: "Gott sei dank"


Du: "Ich habe von einem Typ an der Nintendowii gehört, dass bald die WiiHD rauskommen soll. Wird ja auch Zeit, ich krieg ja Augenkrebs von der Wiigrafik"

Lustig vorallem wie der Olli da noch bestätigt das sie bald rauskommen soll... xD


Du: "Jetzt spielen wir mit der schlecklichsten Konsole die es gibt, die kommt aus der HÖLLE" (bezogen auf Xbox360)

und dann beim Sonystand alles geil finden usw... Sorry, so jemanden kann ich nicht ernst nehmen, kommt mal wieder stark wie Sonyfanboy rüber der hier einen auf objektiv machen will, vorallem dann noch JD zustimmen, was ein Hauptindiz für Sonyfanboys ist, sonst würde NIEMAND JD zustimmen... ;)

Sehr gut! Hast meine Videos geschaut! :goodwork:

...aber leider ernst genommen...:sorry: ...naja ich verzeih Dir wenn Du dieses Jahr wieder reinschaust! ;)

Ich habe das letzte Jahr wieder viel hier in den Foren gelernt und werde wohl auch einige Fanboy Zitate einbringen! :-D Vielleicht mach ich mir auch nen :v: aufs T Shirt...damit ich nicht falsch verstanden werde,wie von Dir ;)

Ich hoffe mal von Dir,dass Du allgemein die Leute hier auf CW nicht allzu ernst nimmst....außerdem hab ich bloß geschrieben,dass es vielleicht schlauer wäre erstmal etwas auszutesten bevor man darüber urteilt :sorry:

...kannst Dir ja mal die (wirklich guten) Comics von Greenflash anschauen....wahrscheinlich willst Du ihn danach dann auch nicht mehr ernst nehmen! xD
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