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Hier mal ein paar Previews zu Move:
IGN detailed how
the Move controls worked in SOCOM at GDC, and that largely remains unchanged here except that everything is working a bit faster. It's more responsive and natural. I'd click Circle to take cover on a car, line up the reticle via the PlayStation Move wand, and pop out to take my shot. After struggling with the controls at GDC, I was shocked at how good they felt here. When the team and I moved in on a group of enemies with their backs to us, I placed the reticle on the bad guy's head, held the Move button (the big button on the thumbside of the Move wand) to zoom in for a precise aim, and pulled the trigger on the wand to take out the bogey. From the prone position, I could crawl on my belly to sneak up on enemies.
IGN SOCOM 4 Preview schrieb:
Still, the moment that sold me on the scheme was when we were pinned down by the enemy and my screen was covered in my own blood. Huddled against a car, my team whittled the bad guys down to just a few. I ordered them to positions by pointing and tapping the D-Pad, but it's crazy how good your team is without you. They will just go out and clean house. Anyway, I popped out of cover, and in the tiny gap between the frame of a far-off car and the road, I could see the ankles of an enemy. In a snap, I pointed the Move and took my shot. It was simple, easy and fast.
This is what I wanted Resident Evil 4 on the Wii to be. It's quick and precise. It feels like a real control scheme and not a gimmick.
Meinungen zu Move schrieb:
For example, drawing with the wand is naturally easier to do then drawing with a D-pad or analog stick. There are bound to be situations where the PlayStation Move can give us better controls, not just different controls, which is what a lot of Wii games attempt to do. Throwing a grenade by wagging a Wii Remote is not as easy as pressing a single button. It requires more energy. It's all about finding the right time and place for motion. That's when things could get brilliant.
Ryan Clements: Well, you're absolutely crazy, but I'm going to have to agree with you here. When I first tried the PlayStation Move tech out at the Game Developers Conference in March, I was totally unimpressed. The software just wasn't there. But now, the hardware is accurate and some of the games are actually a blast. Start the Party was surprisingly fun, and I actually loved
Sports Champions. It's crazy accurate.
Greg Miller: See, that's what I dug about SOCOM 4 -- the accuracy. When I was pressed up against a car for cover, popped out, and was able to use the Move to target a bad guy's foot behind a car, I was sold. It was quick and accurate. I don't know if I could've lined that shot up as easily with a DualShock.
Greg Miller: It's tough to say. The Move is something new. It's going to take time to learn it -- to make it feel natural. That's going to turn people off. What got me behind it on the SOCOM front is that you could play it while being sprawled out on the couch. The "motion" part of it is just for aiming; it's just to make it feel like the gun is your hand. There's no pumping your arms to run and no waggling to throw a grenade. It's there to make shooting easy. I like that.
Ryan Clements: Sports Champions has a couple things that interest me, like archery and the gladiator duel. Although these were the only two events I played, they were both fantastic. They're perfect examples of how two different Move wands can be used in tandem to enhance the experience. When fighting someone in gladiator duel, your one arm holds a shield and the other holds a club. The shield controls were just incredible. You really had to move your arm realistically to block a strike. That's rad. Archery was even better because, as you said, it's accurate.
E3 2010: Why We're (FINALLY) Excited About PlayStation Move