From: Alexander Kuhl
Sent: on 11.O2.2OO9 13:52
Topic: Handling of modified Wii
Dear Sirs,
please be informed about the following change, it is effective from start
of Februay on. Sory for my late notice as I have been sick. This change
is confirmed by NOE President.
Whenever you get a console for Repairs and find a Homebrew channel or any
other not official Nintendo or unauthorized software (Backup Channel,
Gecko OS, etc). on it, this repair is out of warranty. If the defect is
related to the modication or not, is of no interest for us, anytime we
find unauthorized software, it is out of warranty.
The consumer needs to be informed about this and needs to agree that in
case we repair the product he will lose this unauthorized content and get
an updated Wii Product back. If the consumer do not agree, you shall not
repair and send the product back.
Legal is preparing the letter which you can send to the consumer. Please
note the price will be higher for such a Repair as well, as soon as it is
fixed. Approx 18O Euro - 21O Euro, but please wait for our documents. For
the current situaiton you can use a price of 120 Euro for such kind of
We might change the warranty wording as well to make it more clear, even if
the current one is enough. In addition yes we are aware of a small legal
risk to be claimed on this in the court, but NOE more than willing to take
the risk. We need to stop the Homebrew-Channel now.
Additional to this we checked with NCL to get a better Check-Disc to make
your work more efficient and easier. Thomas Lemesle will keep you udated
on this. Please contact him as well if you need more discs of version 1,
as EVERY Wii returned for repairs needs to be checked. Please note the
Ver.1 is not as good as expected so manual check might be needed. Thomas
Lemesle will share more info on this tomorrow.
8enjamin will share more information about this topic at the coming DSi
training and show you some samples, as we want to use this meeting
opportunity even if it is not DSi related. Please let me know if you
have further questions? Please inform your team members accordingly.
Thanks a lot for your understanding and support.
Best Regards