Hey guys.
I just wanted to thank all of you for joining the site and supporting HVS! As you can see its been worth it, The Conduit wouldn't be anything near what it is now and we cant thank you guys enough for buying The Conduit.
The sales seem pretty solid so far!
We also have been listening to other fan requests that dont have so much to do with gaming.
As Prem you can have your own shirt and merchandise! Before you'd have to enter contests, but now you can purchase your own from our site.
Make sure to buy some of our products and support us! Id love to see a couple of pictures on this site of you guys showing off your HVS merchandise

We're also going to be showing off our new enemies, with a couple of pre- pictures. Its mostly going to be mock up art, to give you an idea of the direction were heading in for, and we wanna hear from you guys! If you think the Zombies need pale blue eyes, with fast and furious behaviour or maybe you want the horror to have a certain likeness to it? Giant fangs up its back or a deep red/black scheme, tell us!
Lastly i want you to keep watch for more titles coming out and keep following The Grinder and Gladiator A.D, we said we pushed the wii with The Conduit and showed its true potential....we was wrong, the true potential of the wii will be shown soon enough.