Xbox360 Halo Reach

EGal, habs grade alleine gepackt, und diesmal gings sogar fast ohne Probleme. Waren ca. 5min xD

Hab zu viel Zeit beim Tor verloren, der Glitch ging einfach 20x nicht -.-
Gerade den ganzen Abend mit Loginius einen fetten Halo Abend gehabt... ca 5 Custom Games (Die richtig fett waren. w) und geschätzte 15 in der Spielersuche gezockt. Die Private Games waren geil, aber ALLE online Spiele hatten sich gar nicht gebockt iwie. Egal in welcher Spieleliste, es war laggy etc... :-) Dazu übrigens auch ein Swat-Game auf Asylum, mit einem Spawnkiller-Nerd-Team. Das war sowas von gar nicht lustig... aber naja egal, gute nacht. w

343i bestätigt in ihrem Halo Bulletin (WWu), das ein Patch für Reach in der Mache ist :)

Before you tackle the above tasks, there is one more thing we should talk about, something we hinted at both during E3 and, more recently, in the first paragraph of this Bulletin. We’re pleased to confirm that we’re planning a Title Update (a small download which will add some interesting functionality) for Halo: Reach in preparation for the multiplayer aspect of Halo: Anniversary.

If your heart suddenly sped up, fret not, Reach fan. This is something that will not only sit side-by-side with Reach’s existing gameplay and will be accessible by both Reach and Anniversary players, but will allow us to make fairly significant changes to multiplayer gameplay within the confines of Matchmaking. We’ve talked about this as a way to better recreate the classic Halo: CE feel for the new classic maps, and it will let us do some things in gameplay that simply aren’t possible now. I don’t want to give too much away until we get through gameplay and bug-testing, but an example scenario would be allowing you to play, say, [REDACTED] with zero fall damage. Now that’s a limited and simplistic example, but it does speak to the way we’re approaching the changes philosophically. There are some bigger ticket “classic” Halo gameplay elements which people are clamoring for and which we intend to do our best to deliver on. More news about specific changes and the timing of the Title Update will be forthcoming. But I can say that, having tried a few of the more significant tweaks, certain “classic” elements are already working with beautiful and deadly efficiency.

Geeeeil :)
343 Industries <3
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ein paar Kumpel von mir waren vorgestern über Nacht bei mir.
Wir haben natürlich die meiste Zeit Halo gezockt ;)

Der Anfang war schleppend, aber am Ende hatte ich ein Match auf Hemmorhage mit 52/5 Kills.
Ich hatte 12 Sprees xD

Hatte eigentlich vor kein Halo Reach mehr zu spielen und Gears 2 zu zocken, um mich auf Gears 3 vorzubereiten, aber nachdem Match kann ich einfach nicht aufhören :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Dass das Buch von Karen Traviss ist ist aber schonmal nicht schlecht.Sie hat auch die Republic Commando-Reihe im Star Wars Universum geschrieben und die fand ich richtig gut.
Dann bitte auf dem Laufendem halten.

null problemo

Halo: Glasslands novel arrives this October

Announced last year, the sequel to the Halo novel Ghosts of Onyx has been given both a name and a release date. Halo: Glasslands, penned by Star Wars and Gears of War novelist Karen Traviss, will hit bookshelves later this year on October 25. Glasslands marks the first in a new trilogy -- separate from the Forerunner trilogy by Greg Bear -- and will "explore the Halo Universe in the wake of the final events of Halo 3."

Tor Books reveals title, cover art of first Halo novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Karen Traviss

Veteran author of bestselling Star Wars and Gears of War novels to launch first novel in all-new trilogy in the Halo Universe

By Karen Traviss

*Cover art attached*

New York, NY - Date XXXX - Tor Books, an imprint of Tom Doherty Associates, LLC-the largest publisher of science fiction in the world-is excited to reveal the title and cover of the first novel in an all-new trilogy by Karen Traviss that will explore the Halo Universe in the wake of the final events of Halo 3. Halo novels published by Tor have sold over a million combined copies to date, and the entire Halo catalogue is now available in mass market paperback from Tor. Along Karen's debut Halo novel, Tor is also publishing the second novel from legendary science fiction author Greg Bear's Halo Forerunner trilogy in 2012. HALO: GLASSLANDS will be published on October 25, 2011. An unabridged audiobook edition will publish simultaneously with the new novel.

#1 New York Times best-selling author Karen Traviss has received critical acclaim and award nominations for her Wess'har series, as well as regularly hitting the bestseller lists with her Star Wars and Gears of War novels. Her first foray into the Halo Universe came with "Human Weakness," a short story from Fall 2009's New York Times bestselling "Halo: Evolutions" anthology that introduced her to millions of new Halo fans. A former defense correspondent and TV and newspaper journalist, she lives in Wiltshire, England.

"HALO is one of the grandest, most epic science fiction stories ever told, across media," says Tom Doherty, President and Publisher of Tor Books. "The Halo novels are one of the most popular and well-loved genre series published this century, and we're thrilled to have Karen to continue that grand tradition."

HALO: GLASSLANDS, will follow-up the events and characters from Halo: Ghosts of Onyx in the wake of the final events of Halo 3.

"Although Karen's novel deals with the characters and events from 'Ghosts of Onyx,' it's the wonderful new characters and scenarios that she brings so vividly to life that will excite Halo fiction fans," says Frank O'Connor, Franchise Development Director for 343 Industries. "We get an incredible opportunity to explore the Halo universe in the aftermath of the Covenant war, and unveil some mysteries and storylines that will connect readers to a compelling corner of the Halo universe. I can't wait for readers to enjoy this book as much as we have."

The Halo franchise is an award-winning collection of properties that have grown into a global entertainment phenomenon. Beginning with the original "Halo: Combat Evolved" for Xbox in 2001, the rich fiction of the franchise has since inspired a series of blockbuster Xbox and Xbox 360 video games, New York Times best-selling novels, comic books, action figures, apparel and more. To date, sales in the Halo franchise have eclipsed $2.3 billion. Microsoft recently dropped a bombshell on Halo fans at E3 with two big announcements. Coming Nov. 15 2011, Microsoft will release "Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary", a spectacularly remastered version of the original "Halo" campaign bundled with some of the most beloved multiplayer maps in "Halo" history - all created in celebration of the 10th anniversary of one of the most beloved franchises in gaming history. Also announced was "Halo 4," the hugely-anticipated next blockbuster installment that will mark the beginning of a new Halo trilogy when it releases in-stores during the 2012 holiday season.

About Tor Books
Tor Books, an imprint of Tom Doherty Associates, LLC, is a New York-based publisher of hardcover and softcover books, founded in 1980 and committed (although not limited) to SF and fantasy literature. Between an extensive hardcover and trade-softcover line, an Orb backlist program, and a stronghold in mass-market paperback, Tor annually publishes what is arguably the largest and most diverse line of science fiction and fantasy ever produced by a single English-language publisher. Books from Tor have won every major award in the SF and fantasy fields, and for the last twenty-four years in a row the company has been named Best Publisher in the Locus Poll, the largest consumer poll in SF.
ah perfekt =) da kommt dann die reachmaps ins haus..nur wtf? mein punkte aus dem winter sind weg laut >_> hatten die ein verfallsdatum?
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