L10: Hyperactive
Haben die 2 eine andere Halo Infinite Präsentation gesehen als ich? Dann noch die lächerliche Begründung, dass es größtenteils keine richtigen Halo Fans sind die meckern.
Andererseits wenn man für das Xbox Team arbeitet, kommt die Wahrheit vielleicht nicht so gut. Das gezeigte Material war eindeutig ein Rückschritt...
Aaron Greenberg meldete sich auch nochmal wegen der Grafik Marketing GM Aaron Greenberg responded to criticism about Infinite's graphics, saying: "Listen, we're in the middle of a global pandemic. It's July, we're far from [launch in] Holiday, you're seeing a work-in-progress game."
Aaron: “ The other thing I'll just say is: it is a work-in-progress. I can tell you, because we see build check-ins every week, and they make progress week after week, so between now and Holiday it's just going to get better and better."
Aaron responds to feedback “ It's very hard to show the full power and graphical fidelity of what Xbox Series X will be able to deliver for you over a stream. Go back and look at it in 4K 60," referring to the fact that the stream was delivered live in 1080p, but the gameplay premiere can be viewed in 4K 60 FPS on the Halo YouTube channel.