Lifted from C&VG
• GTA V "evolves nearly every mechanic, features the biggest world in series history and introduces a new technology that radically changes the way players control the game.
• Three main characters are called Michael, Trevor and Frankie.
• A quick menu can be called up to switch characters, the camera pulls away into a Google Earth-style vantage point and then drops into wherever the chosen character is
• Trevor is described as having a "maniacal personality"
• Trevor is in Blaine County, a barren, rundown desert region filled with bikers, meth heads and other people from the fringes of society
• Characters can "flick off" people and people react differently depending on the area. In a rough-and-tumble
• neighbourhood the reaction will be different from someone in a posh boutique store
• Rockstar's playtester pours a trail of gas away from a vehicle and drops a zippo lighter on it, the flame travels back and causes a huge explosion.
• Franklin is seen on Vespucci Beach looking for a car he's to repossess
• Waterfront activities include a muscle beach gym
• He drops the top of the car once he gets in
• Ammu-Nation is back
• Each character has his own personality motivation and skill set
• They go about their daily business when you're not in control, so you might find them in surprising situations when you take control of them again
• Each character has a fleshed out story arc
• Complicated, multi-tiered heist missions inspired by GTA IV's Three Leaf Clover are "peppered" into the game
• Heists are a big theme
• Rockstar is addressing mission diversity in pairing characters, it showed off a mission involving all three characters
• The trio need to perform a snatch-and-grab to get the FIB off their backs
• Trevor berates security agent guarding a chopper, Michael urges him to calm down but he keeps running his mouth, he only agreed to do the mission in exchange for help springing his friend Brad out of jail.
• Franklin isn't to comfortable with Trevor
• The three change outfits and rapell down the side of a skyscraper, when they arrive players take control of Michael rapelling down, the mechanic is reminiscent of Rainbow Six Vegas
• The musical score seems to react to the action
• They extract the target by holding him hostage with one arm while pointing a gun at interrogators with the other, at that point an icon appears giving the player the option to switch character
• You can stay as Michael and try and pick of the enemies or select franklin, switch to his perspective and snipe them from afar.
• Transition is smooth and camera angle helps you adjust
• During the chase through Los Santos the player can switch to Trevor to pilot the getaway, snipe the other pilots as Franklin, or fire an assault rifle out the back of a chopper as Michael
• Rockstar is leveraging cinematic tricks learned from Max Payne 3