PS4/PS5 Gran Turismo 7

Ich bin diese Woche schon nicht wenige Sport Interlagos Rennen gefahren und es ist echt jedes einzelne mal das gleiche,suppig bewölkte Wetter.Wird ein bischen langweilig.PS5 hier schon am Limit?So spart man sich natürlich einiges an Schatten und Lichteffekten.Ich erwarte ja nicht das vollmundig beworbene,dynamische Wetter aber wenn die Wolken wenigstens ab und an mal n Sonnenstrahl durchlassen könnten…
Ich bin diese Woche schon nicht wenige Sport Interlagos Rennen gefahren und es ist echt jedes einzelne mal das gleiche,suppig bewölkte Wetter.Wird ein bischen langweilig.PS5 hier schon am Limit?So spart man sich natürlich einiges an Schatten und Lichteffekten.Ich erwarte ja nicht das vollmundig beworbene,dynamische Wetter aber wenn die Wolken wenigstens ab und an mal n Sonnenstrahl durchlassen könnten…
Also auf den Strecken und in den Rennen, in denen man das einstellen kann, ist das dynamische Wetter wirklich wahnsinn!
Ich denke aber, dass die Daily Races fixe Konditionen haben werden 🤔
Also auf den Strecken und in den Rennen, in denen man das einstellen kann, ist das dynamische Wetter wirklich wahnsinn!
Ich denke aber, dass die Daily Races fixe Konditionen haben werden 🤔

Ja,wenn es“da“ ist kommt das aufjedenfall richtig gut.Ich hoffe mal da kommen im Sports Modus auch mal Rennen wo es zwischendurch regnet.In Daytona letzte Woche hat zumindest die Tageszeit gewechselt so dass es am Ende dunkel war.
Wisst ihr eigentlich, woran es liegt, was für ein Sternen-Ticket man bekommt?
Mir kommt es so vor, als ob die Anzahl der km entscheidend ist, mit der man den Marathon abschließt 🤔
Ich hatte gerade das aufregendste Time Trial ever!
Ich lade das Video hoch, sobald ich es auf yt habe xD
Neuer Patch ist da. Keine Ahnung was der macht
Preisgelder anpassen? :coolface:

  • Increase rewards in the events in the latter half of the World Circuits by approximately 100% on average.
  • Addition of high rewards for clearing the Circuit Experience in all Gold/All Bronze results.
  • Increase of rewards in Online Races.
  • Include a total of eight new one-hour Endurance Race events to Missions. These will also have higher reward settings.
  • Increase the upper limit of non-paid credits in player wallets from 20M Cr. to 100M Cr.
  • Increase the quantity of Used and Legend cars on offer at any given time.
  • Increase the payout value of limited time rewards as we develop as a live service.
  • Further World Circuit event additions.
  • Addition of Endurance Races to Missions including 24-hour races.
  • Addition of Online Time Trials and awarding of rewards according to the player’s difference with the top ranked time.
  • Make it so cars can be sold.
Vom Playstation Blog

Dear Gran Turismo Community,

Thank you for your continued support and feedback on Gran Turismo 7, your voices have not gone unheard. I would like to apologize for the frustration and confusion caused last week with our patch updates which resulted in, not only a server outage but also adjustments to the in-game economy which were made without a clear explanation to our community.

We know that this is not the Gran Turismo experience you expect and we will be making a goodwill gesture in the form of a non-paid credit pack of 1 million Cr. available to those players who may have been affected*. You will see this hit your accounts shortly. Make sure you log into the game before April 25 to claim the credits.

The patch update previously deployed was intended to rectify an issue with inconsistent reward payouts within a part of the World Circuit Events. But, to re-establish the intended equilibrium and provide more accurate rewards based on time investment and completion, it was necessary to recalculate the rewards system as a whole.

To improve the player experience, we will be rolling out a considerable patch in the beginning of April. The number of events will be increased, and we will reestablish the reward system with greater balance throughout the game to benefit all players.

Updates which will come into effect beginning of April:

Increase rewards in the events in the latter half of the World Circuits by approximately 100% on average.
Addition of high rewards for clearing the Circuit Experience in all Gold/All Bronze results.
Increase of rewards in Online Races.
Include a total of eight new one-hour Endurance Race events to Missions. These will also have higher reward settings.
Increase the upper limit of non-paid credits in player wallets from 20M Cr. to 100M Cr.
Increase the quantity of Used and Legend cars on offer at any given time.
Beyond this there will be a few additional patches deployed between now and the end of April which will add new cars and tracks and make some other fixes.

Finally, we also want to take the opportunity to lay out some of the near-term updates we are working on. We can’t confirm an exact date or specifics yet, but will give advance notice via

Increase the payout value of limited time rewards as we develop as a live service.
Further World Circuit event additions.
Addition of Endurance Races to Missions including 24-hour races.
Addition of Online Time Trials and awarding of rewards according to the player’s difference with the top ranked time.
Make it so cars can be sold.
We want to thank you for your continued patience and valuable feedback as we grow and evolve GT7 to make it as enjoyable and rewarding for as many players as possible. We always want to keep communication lines open with our community so that we can work together to build the best racing experience possible.
Server arbeiten von 0900-1100 Uhr🙄 gibts das bei anderen Spielen auch?

Irgendwie kenn ich das so nicht.
Preisgelder anpassen? :coolface:

  • Increase rewards in the events in the latter half of the World Circuits by approximately 100% on average.
  • Addition of high rewards for clearing the Circuit Experience in all Gold/All Bronze results.
  • Increase of rewards in Online Races.
  • Include a total of eight new one-hour Endurance Race events to Missions. These will also have higher reward settings.
  • Increase the upper limit of non-paid credits in player wallets from 20M Cr. to 100M Cr.
  • Increase the quantity of Used and Legend cars on offer at any given time.
  • Increase the payout value of limited time rewards as we develop as a live service.
  • Further World Circuit event additions.
  • Addition of Endurance Races to Missions including 24-hour races.
  • Addition of Online Time Trials and awarding of rewards according to the player’s difference with the top ranked time.
  • Make it so cars can be sold.

wow,ich lese überall nur“increase,increase,increase“.Gut und schnell reagiert wie es scheint,muss muss mir das später in Ruhe mal anschauen.

es geht doch nichts über einen gepflegten Schiss vor den Bug :awesome:
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Bischen zu früh gefreut?Heute gibts wohl erst nur die Million Credits,das erwartbare Minimum (naja haben oder nicht haben),Rest kommt erst im April.Zumindest im Sport Modus hätten sie ja schonmal was drauf packen können aber nu ja…et is wie et is.Liest sich trotzdem schon gut,was bis Ende April passieren soll.
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