On another note, don't know if anybody said something about B-Spec yet, so here goes ...
It takes quite a while to get B-Spec Bob to behave halfway decent in races. But with 4-6 tries my Bob did sunday cup just fine.
If there are really more drivers than just the 1 guy needed for Endurace Races it will take quite a while to get 3-4 drivers on lvl 20 for Extreme Series (which I hope has the endurance events in em.
The B-Spec system is a little diffrent from GT4. You can't set BoB to a specific pace. You can give him "commands" that last like 20 seconds (little progress bar going down), in that time you can't issue another command until the last one "set in".
He has a "mood bar" in the middle. When he is fighting is goes all the way up to "hot". You need to tell him early to decrease pace to catch the up-trend on the bar before it hits the top (e.g. right side). When it's all the way in the red, BoB will make lots of mistakes. When he has nobody to fight with the bar will automaticly start to drop (BoB is bored ) then you need to issue 1-3 "increase pace" commands to get the bar in the middle again. Middle seems to be optimal. Below mid point BoB will short shift and just chill down the track. If it gets really low he is not full throtteling but just using like 80-90% accel of the car (good for endurance I guess ...)
The pysical strength bar seems to drop all the time beginning at the start of the race. If BoB needs to fight, it drops faster. If he is "hot" or recovering from mistakes it drops faster. If BoB is on the cool side of the mood bar, it drops less rapidly.
The mental strength bar seems always full, and not drop at all (maybe only if the race is long enough, my BoB can only do lvl 3 events, like sunday cup)
Something funny: If you issue a command every time the cooldown is gone for like 20-30 commands BoB will get annoyed and go on the "hot" side of the mood bar, even if you tell him to slow down
Bob's opponents can be fun too. On 3 races BoB had to face a Mini Cooper with a driver named H.Hornet. That guy was always aggresive but also did not hit corners good. He would tackle bob often but always go off track when there was a more complex turn. Another one D.Massa always seems to stick back and really conserve tires (I guess he is one to watch out for in the longer races)
I did like B-Spec in GT4, and I really like the new version too What I did not find yet was an option to speed up time ... but it's sunday today, so BoB will do some rounds until I have recovered from yesterday.