- Tearing and frame rate problems are there. As in the demo. Some time worse. Some time better. It's an odd behaviour as you can see tearing/frame drops in small places sometimes, while there is none in huge environments. Maybe it has to do with the streaming thing? Not sure as the part before you reach the submarine for example, with its incredible vistas, doesnt' suffer. Anyway, the worst sections were probably those on vehicles (water ski, jeep), mostly frame rate wise. I saw the jet ski video online and looked pretty smooth, but in the actual review code I've got it wasn't at all. Especially when going in circles with the scenary scrolling around you. Jeep section fame rate was about 25fps I think. Not really bad as you go straight most of the time, and it just bothers the graphics whore inside me. Overall, tho, I dont feel like complaining that much about this issue cos it's kinda "justified" by the AWESOMENESS of the graphic content on display. This is seriously the most impressive game I've ever seen since this gen started. And when planets allign and you get an awesome environment running at steady 30fps it's graphics whore heaven. The dynamic lighting/shadowing is impressive to say the least. Everything casts shadows and these ARE NOT GLITCHY at all. They are as perfect as you can get on this gen machines.
- the game gets better and better. As you reach the midmark, game turns to the "dark side" as you are away from the sunny jungle environments and in dark areas that kinda reminded me of Gears of War. Frame drops and tearing almost disappear at this point (as locales are smaller I guess). Do you recall the level in the church that was demoed to the press some time ago? OMG that was incredible. Let me say this again. INCREDIBLE. I can see why NDI showed that section of the game to the press.
- The final phases are "surprising" and will see you go holy shit like every 10 secs.
Overall, while technically not 100% perfect due to some frame rate/tearing issues, Uncharted is the best showcase you can get of the PS3 hardware. For comparison, Uncharted is a 8, Heavely Sword is a 5. To me. Technically. As for the game overall, I'd give it a 9 cos is fun as shit. I'd actually put it slightly above Ratchet & Clank Future.
It's basically Gears of War meets ICO. Which is good I guess.