Ok I'll post some shit I gathered from the trailer:
- Standard layout basically, blocks with shield immediately. There's a sprint too, and square is used to tell Arteus to shoot arrows, triangle to call back axe.
- Press down for quick turn. RE4 anyone?

- These "Labors" pop up whenever you perform a special kill of some kind.
- Cooldown timer for abillities, although it seems to let you use them while it's counting down so it might work a bit differently.
- There's a danger ring like in MGS4 with detailed tutorial screens for it in the video.
- The boss seems to have his health bar divided in half and a weird symbol, might be covenant or level related?
- Artues' ammo is recharged with time, and has a slot for a special abillity (probably).
- Kratos can get "shield-broken" from enemies.
- Artues has a notebook where he writes all the lore stuff down, it's like he's studying the Norse lore as the game goes on.
- There are breakable boxes and vases in the environment.
- Enemies can get status effects.
- Finishers like in the last GOWs are there, only with R3 instead of circle. Becomes avaliable when enemies get their "stun meter" all the way up from getting hit. Enemies also have levels.
- Can aim for different body parts with the axe throw.
- There's a beastiary, and a map.
- Shop layout. Can craft armor, upgrade weapons. The rest might be buy, sell, and something else which looks like a chain, might be for enchanting?
- Stat screen. Luck stat probably affects loot?
- Loot required for upgrades. Can get loot and "money" from dead enemies.
- There are also skills? Skill tree?
- Summons???
- XP used for upgrading, "money" for armor.
- Different rarity types of armor.
- Looks like Kratos may have another weapon to switch to. Health bar in green and Rage bar underneath, if full Kratos can activate L3+R3 rage attack. Axe abillity equipped and room for one more.
- Weirdly, those big circles appeared only when the tougher enemies attacked...and they have a division in the health bar like the boss.
- Can counter projectiles like in previous GOWs.
- HUD disappears when not in a battle.
- Looks like there are some environmental puzzles that invlove throwing the axe on stuff, and Arteus can drop chains for Kratos to climb on.