Ghost of Yōtei

Ich bin jetzt hier gestrandet, nachdem Nintendo uns mit The Legend of Zelda: Echos of Wisdom einen weiteren Mittelklassetitel geliefert hat. Ich hoffe GoY wird mindestens ein 90er Titel und besser als GoT. So wie ich Sony kenne werden sie die hungrigen PC Gamer vielleicht auch beliefern, später einmal.
“When we started working on a sequel, the first question we asked ourselves is ‘What is the DNA of a Ghost game?’” Fox said. “It is about transporting the player to the romance and beauty of feudal Japan.”
Without going into detail, the developers said Ghost of Yotei was a story of “underdog vengeance” that followed Atsu as she moved through the natural landscape, including sprawling grasslands and snowy tundras. They said players would have greater control over her story than in the previous game.
“One challenge that comes with making an open-world game is the repetitive nature of doing the same thing over again,” said Connell, noting that players would be able to master firearms in addition to melee weapons like the katana. “We wanted to balance against that and find unique experiences.”

Inspiration for the new game’s setting came during two research trips into northern Japan. The Sucker Punch team, which mostly resides in Washington State, visited more than a dozen locations. But it was the image of Mount Yotei reflected across Lake Toya that inspired awe.
“I sat there for two hours just staring at the mountain,” Connell said of the active stratovolcano, which is similar in appearance to Mount Fuji. “It was stunning.”

Fox said another highlight was Shiretoko National Park on the northeastern tip of Hokkaido, which he visited to record nature sounds for his audio team.
“Inside the park, you have to watch a video telling you about the dangers of bears,” Fox said. “Being in this incredibly beautiful park with jagged cliffs and water, yet all the time being aware there were dangerous bears, was electrifying. We strive to bring that into the video game — that feeling of danger.”
“We strive to bring that into the video game — that feeling of danger.”
“One challenge that comes with making an open-world game is the repetitive nature of doing the same thing over again,” said Connell, noting that players would be able to master firearms in addition to melee weapons like the katana. “We wanted to balance against that and find unique experiences.”

nice, das war ja wirklich der einzig "große" kritikpunkt am erstling wobei der bloat lange nicht auf dem level eines AssCreed oder so war, aber wenn man das noch besser machen kann :laserfish:



Was für eine Referenzgrafik :banderas:
Ich finde es so geil, dass sie für den zweiten Teil einen neuen "Ghost" an den Start bringen. Anstatt sich da was aus den Fingern mit Jin zu saugen - einfach eine neue Region, neuer Protagonist und Zeitalter. Das wird super!

Neuer Ghost - Was mich jetzt nicht so überrascht. Im Grunde ja wie in jedem AC - Neuer Teil - Neues Setting und neuer Assassine.

Da hatte ja im Grunde nur die epische Ezio Auditore da Firenze-Trilogie einen wiederkehrenden Assassinen. So etwas wäre mit Jin auch nicht möglich denke ich. Daher perfekt und sinnvoll was neues zu wählen. Es gibt so viele Geschichten aus J zu erzählen daher 👍
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