Xbox360 Gears of War 3

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ich glaube wenn Gears 3 erscheint, werde ich mir auch wieder Live Gold zulegen, ist auf jeden Fall das Online-Game (bzw. die Vorgänger) wo ich diese Gen die schönsten Erinnerungen hatte :)

und das alte Material sieht schon so krass aus :aargh:
wenn mal ein Entwickler wie Epic es versteht die olle Box auszureizen zeigt sie auch was sie drauf hat, traue Gears 3 zu, dass technisch beste Konsolengame 2011 zu werden


Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Gears of War 3 to include special unlocks for other Epic games

Xbox LIVE's gamertags allows game developers to offer special features for gamers because the developers can track what has been played. Epic Games has something special planned for Gears of War 3 on the Xbox 360 as a result.

Cliff Bleszinski annnounced special unlocks for Gears of War 3 via Twitter by saying, "Look for special unlocks in Gears 3 for those of you who have played other Epic games such as Shadow Complex, UT3 [Unreal Tournament 3], Gears, and Bulletstorm."

Bungie offered a similar deal with Halo: Reach for those that played previous games in the Halo series which amounted to special nameplates for use in multiplayer lobbies. What these unlocks will be for Gears of War 3 will be announced at a later date.

The beta for Gears of War 3 will hit sometime around April with the full game releasing in the fourth quarter of 2011.
Gears of War 3 maps will be brighter, thanks to Gears 2 data

Gears of War 3 senior gameplay designer, Lee Perry, has revealed a surprising trend in the gameplay habits of Gears-heads. He told OXM UK that the most-played Gears 2 maps have one thing in common: They're bright.

"You can almost rank how much [maps are] played by how bright they are," Perry told OXM. "The darker, dreary, more depressing maps tend to be on the bottom." Hmm, maybe if they weren't so dreary or depressing?

Perry said this knowledge has served Epic well in developing next April's holiday's Gears 3. The third installment sports a new lighting model, which has helped in the creation of brighter maps. "Even the maps that are 'dark,' they're 'movie dark,'" he explained. "It just means they're more blue than dark." You know, blue can still be pretty darned dreary and depressing -- just saying!

Additionally, comments from lead multiplayer level designer Jim Brown suggest Gears 3 might rethink how it presents downloadable maps to users. The Gears of War 2 Flashback map pack, bundled with all new copies of that game at launch, was downloaded by less than 30 percent of the people who played the game -- a figure that puzzles Brown. "It was free, in the box, they just never bothered to do it," he said. "Is it a matter of accessibility? Is it people don't like typing in a 16-digit code? What's the reason?" We'll posit that it was actually because most people never took the manual out of the case.
ey ihr zwei opfer meiner säge :-)

ihr wisst doch wie es läuft die nummer 83 Cole wirds wieder richten:-)
quent echt mal die videos kannte ich wirklich noch nicht.....aber ich sags mal so...hammer geil:-)

ich würd auch sagen der laaxi nimmt die rosa lancer....passt ja zu ihm....:-)
es gibt mal wieder ein event bei gears 2

Gears of War 2 '12 Days of Gearsmas' Event Details

• December 22nd "Concussion from a smoke grenade" - 12x XP
Concussion grenades are making a return for the day.

• December 23rd "2 Flaming Bloodmounts" - 13x XP
Two Bloodmounts with flamethrowers appearing on every Horde wave.

• December 24th "3 Extra Clips" - 14x XP
Three extra clips of ammo in every weapon.

• December 25th "4 Frag Grenades" - 15x XP
Every frag grenade pick-up now includes four grenades instead of the usual two.

• December 26th "5 Torque Bow Tags" - 16x XP
Many creatures who usually carry rifles in Horde mode will now carry torque bows.

• December 27th "6 Melee monsters" - 17x XP
Horde waves will now entirely consist of melee creatures.

• December 28th "7 Sires a Storming" - 18x XP
This one isn't explained, though my guess would be Sires on every Horde wave.

• December 29th "8 Old School Gears Heads" - 19x XP
The old 4 vs 4 multiplayer mode makes a return.

• December 30th "9 Boomers Booming" - 20x XP
Boomer squads in every Horde wave.

• December 31st "10 Waves of Tickers" - 21x XP
Horde enemies will be Tickers only.

• January 1st "11 Wretches Wretching" - 22x XP
Wretches with shotguns will make an appearance.

• January 2nd "Some of the Above" - 23x XP
This is a combination of concussion grenades, extra clips of ammo, extra frag grenades in each pickup, 4 vs 4 multiplayer mode, and Ticker horde waves.

Fergusson has also confirmed via Twitter that there will be golden lancers and hammerbursts for everyone. The XP bonus will be applicable across all multiplayer game modes as usual.
Bitte lieber Gott, mach dass es Epic nicht wieder verkackt BITTE!

Ich seh jetzt schon, dass das Bayonett mich abfucken wird, genauso wie manch andere Waffe... -.-

WENN das Game, wie GoW 1 ist, mit den geilen Deckungssystem vom 2er wirds einfach nur noch geil. Mehr braucht man eigentlich gar nicht haha
dann zeig mir mal die ankündigung dafür.

das is halt so ne us-typische aktion. die europäer fallen da eh wieder hinten runter.
wär nicht das erste mal.

unglaublich, aber wahr:

es gibt jetzt wohl doch die bulletstorm epic edition für uns europäer.
hab grad die ösi-version der epic edition vorbestellt - gears 3 beta, ich komme :coolface:
Bulletstorm interessiert mich ja auch brennend...
aber meint ihr, man wird von Deutschland aus an der Gears3-Beta teilnehmen können?
(und Gold müsste ich mir wenn, dann ja mit Sicherheit wieder holen, oder? ^^)
unglaublich, aber wahr:

es gibt jetzt wohl doch die bulletstorm epic edition für uns europäer.
hab grad die ösi-version der epic edition vorbestellt - gears 3 beta, ich komme :coolface:

wo bestellt ihr die vor, MUSS DIE UNBEDIGT HABEN !!! :shoot7::shoot8::shoot6::shoot::shoot2::shoot3::shoot4::goodwork:
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