Xbox360 Gears of War 3

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New Maps:

AFTERMATH – Aftermath is a government park after a tsunami. There is seaweed and wreckage everywhere, and the main play space sits under a huge cargo ship which was deposited on top of a building during the storm. The area floods and quakes during gameplay, as the whole thing is teetering on the edge of falling into the water below. This has gameplay implications as it is difficult to aim during the quakes, and difficult to be stealthy while splashing through the water.

ARTILLERY – Artillery starts out looking like an ordinary military base, but during gameplay a storm kicks up. Lightning begins to flash on the horizon and eventually a tornado develops and sweeps near the play space. Dust and debris are kicked up making it difficult to see, and the buffeting winds can mask your approach.

COVE – Cove is a small port that the Stranded have taken over and turned into a little village. The map is very open with long lines of sight, but there is a really, really heavy layer of fog that masks just about everything. There’s a really nice sniper nest inside a central ship, but the sniper’s form is silhouetted by the low angle light shining through the fog.

JACINTO – Jacinto was a beautiful city, but huge stalks have popped up through the buildings and flooded the entire area with imulsion. Half of the map is dead and crumbling, with imulsion fumes hanging in the air. To make matters worse, the drizzle that is present when a match begins quickly develops into a heavy rain storm that impedes visibility and lines of sight as water starts sheeting off the buildings.

RAVEN DOWN – Raven Down is a very small crossroads that is blanketed in a blinding snow storm. A Raven helicopter has crashed in the storm, and crashed through an elevated train on its way down, so there’s train wreckage to deal with as well. The snowstorm ebbs occasionally, but is more often so heavy that it’s difficult to see more than a few meters ahead at any given time.

New Characters:
LE Mechanic Baird
LE com dom
Savage Hunter

New Weapon:
Elemental Cleavers(Horde Easter Eggs)
snow cleaver - that can gust an icy breeze at an enemy and stun them from a distance
emulsion cleaver - that explodes on impact and does a small amount of AOE burning damage to nearby enemies in addition to the normal cleaver damage

New Weapon Skins - 5 new weapon skins for immediate use, and 2 additional weapon skins that were designed based on community feedback that can only be unlocked through gameplay in the 'Forces of Nature' DLC

Forces of Nature DLC for Gears 3 is coming on March 27

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Nice klingt ja gut! Vorallem die Map mit dem Erdbeben und der Flut macht mich neugierig ;-)
Scheint diesmal keine neuen Achievis zu geben?
Edit: okay laut xbox360achievements gibts welche, mal sehen^^

PS: Scheinbar soll der Guardian Mode zurückkehren !
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Guardian :win:


Da ich gerne prescott freischalten will bin ich gerade Wingman am boosten, also AFK und Bots halt, ich spiele bestimmt keine 300 Wingman Spiele...aber wie sind die besten Einstellungen dafür? Also so das die Spiele möglichst flott zu Ende sind?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
3x 360
3x Gears 3

Waffenspawns alle ausschalten. 2 KI Dudes auf Insane.

Dann einfach die Teile idlen lassen und die KI macht das schon. Wingman dauert aber trotzdem am längsten.
Ok, danke. Dann muss ich mal mein zweites play n charge kit raus kramen.

Gestern Nacht hatte ich die 360 auch laufen, aber irgendwann wurde die Live Verbindung getrennt, dann kam ich wohl ins Hauptmenü zurück. Das dürfte nicht passieren wenn ich die party auf local only stelle oder?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Bleed Time hoch, Waffenspawns alles auf Boomshot

Du und ein Bot auf Insane gegen ein zweites Pad im anderen Team. Fertig.
Starting February 28, the following Gears of War 3 DLC is going on sale.

Gears of War 3 RAAM’s Shadow: Pack 2 800 (33% off)
Gears of War 3 Horde Command Pack 560 (30% off)
Gears of War 3 Weapon Skin Collection: Launch Collection 1800 (50% off)
Weapon Skin Bundle – Haze Set 160 (33% off)
Weapon Skin Bundle – Thunderstorm Animated Set 160 (50% off)
Cover Barrier (Avatar Item) 200 (38% off)
Berserker Pet (Avatar Item) 120 (50% off)

Die Aktion geht bis 5. März
Naja nicht zwingend, der Season Pass gewährt ja auch 33% Rabatt auf jeden DLC, daher haben wir Season Pass Besitzer ja nicht mehr bezahlt als bei der Aktion jetzt, aber den Content schon deutlich früher bekommen.
Bitter ists natürlich nur für diejenigen, die nicht mit allen 4 DLCs was anfangen können und sich für die Preise nur 3 der 4 Packs holen wollen. Dann kommt man natürlich billiger weg..
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