Nintendo GDC: Shigeru Miyamoto Keynote

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20:50.04 -
"I wanted them to talk with other Zelda players" to solve problems. Back then there weren't chat rooms but players found ways to exchange information.

wo ein wille ist ist auch ein weg^^
20:51.02 -

Animal Crossing now. It's also enjoyed by hardcore gamers, so Miyamoto learned that what gamers want "isn't always the best graphics or best audio or best production". 7 million copies now sold.

Ich bin mal gespannt wie viel das Spiel noch schafft.
Animal Crossing now. It's also enjoyed by hardcore gamers, so Miyamoto learned that what gamers want "isn't always the best graphics or best audio or best production". 7 million copies now sold.

EXAKT! der shiggy und ich!
20:51.02 -
Animal Crossing now. It's also enjoyed by hardcore gamers, so Miyamoto learned that what gamers want "isn't always the best graphics or best audio or best production". 7 million copies now sold.

scheisse ich hoffe hier sind jetzt nur nintendo fans unetwergs sonst wird gleich wieder gesicht zerkratzt^^
Wii Baseball now. Miyamoto's always been a big fan of baseball, but the Wii game is very simple and short - "not very realistic at all".
20:52.20 -
Wii Baseball now. Miyamoto's always been a big fan of baseball, but the Wii game is very simple and short - "not very realistic at all".
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