Nintendo GDC: Shigeru Miyamoto Keynote

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20:48.23 -

"I am making games so players themselves become more creative." Gamers are encouraged to think proactively while they're playing. "The core of this element is really communication".

20:47.46 -

More lifestyle photos of ladies and talk about expanding the audience. Wii Play "seems to be too elementary" for core gamers, but they've found many core gamers like it because "it's a game they can play with their non-gaming friends".

Was da wohl dahinter steckt...
"I am making games so players themselves become more creative." Gamers are encouraged to think proactively while they're playing. "The core of this element is really communication".
America`s Most Wanted schrieb:
Wie zu erwarten kam nichts neues zu Spielen o.ä. Was manche an der Aussage "Nintendo zeigt nichts besonderes auf der GDC!" missverstehen und dann einen Hype daraus machen können bleibt mir immer unverständlich...

jop das würde mich auch mal jucken
America`s Most Wanted schrieb:
Wie zu erwarten kam nichts neues zu Spielen o.ä. Was manche an der Aussage "Nintendo zeigt nichts besonderes auf der GDC!" missverstehen und dann einen Hype daraus machen können bleibt mir immer unverständlich...
Hypen macht Spass, wir üben nur schonmal für die grossen E³PKs ;)
20:48.23 -
"I am making games so players themselves become more creative." Gamers are encouraged to think proactively while they're playing. "The core of this element is really communication".

wenn ich das richtig verstehe spielt der da grad wirklich auf das mikro an was heute schon durch alle posts gehüpft is?
"I thought that Zelda could create a different kind of communication." The first NES prototype of Zelda didn't go over well in Japan - "people were confused... They couldn't even solve the puzzles." But rather than make it easier, Miyamoto decided to take the sword away at the beginning.
"I am making games so players themselves become more creative." Gamers are encouraged to think proactively while they're playing. "The core of this element is really communication".

SAG DAS MAL NINTENDO selbst in Zusammenhang auf die EU Politik... :hmpf:

Naja, aber Recht hatter.
"I thought that Zelda could create a different kind of communication." The first NES prototype of Zelda didn't go over well in Japan - "people were confused... They couldn't even solve the puzzles." But rather than make it easier, Miyamoto decided to take the sword away at the beginning.

Der fiese Sack :lol:
America`s Most Wanted schrieb:
Wie zu erwarten kam nichts neues zu Spielen o.ä. Was manche an der Aussage "Nintendo zeigt nichts besonderes auf der GDC!" missverstehen und dann einen Hype daraus machen können bleibt mir immer unverständlich...

Es ist noch nicht vorbei ;)

"I wanted them to talk with other Zelda players" to solve problems. Back then there weren't chat rooms but players found ways to exchange information

Zelda: MMORPG ????
Tahlis schrieb:
20:47.46 -
More lifestyle photos of ladies and talk about expanding the audience. Wii Play "seems to be too elementary" for core gamers, but they've found many core gamers like it because "it's a game they can play with their non-gaming friends".

das is wohl war^^ hatte auch immer das problem das ich nie was mit meinen non gamer friends zocken konnte^^

Bei mir genauso ^^
20:50.04 -

"I wanted them to talk with other Zelda players" to solve problems. Back then there weren't chat rooms but players found ways to exchange information.

20:49.31 -

"I thought that Zelda could create a different kind of communication." The first NES prototype of Zelda didn't go over well in Japan - "people were confused... They couldn't even solve the puzzles." But rather than make it easier, Miyamoto decided to take the sword away at the beginning.

Also bis jetzt gab's nichts zu Spielen, aber ich fand die Keynote bisher trotzdem super :)
"I wanted them to talk with other Zelda players" to solve problems. Back then there weren't chat rooms but players found ways to exchange information.

ooookkay.... spannungsmeter steigt wieder
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