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seit heutigen tag ist motorstorm spielbar :)
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E3: Motorstorm kicks up serious mud on PS3
Published: 1 hours ago; 11:25am PDT
by Punch Jump Crew
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Sony Computer Entertainment America this week debuted Motorstorm for the Playstation 3 at the Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles.

The game was first introduced in a pre-rendered visual at last year's E3.

The current version was set in a mountainous dirt track that included plenty of ramps, turns, and rough terrain to make the dune buggy create a muddy mess on the track.

The controls responded very well to the analog stick as realistic physics forced players to adjust their steering on rough landings and slick turns.

The graphics engine ran at 30 frames per second with very well textured terrain, vehicles, and character models. AI players can cause accidents, which will ignite sparks and further vehicle damage.

The dune buggy itself has plenty of detail in struts, springs, and tire movement along the bumpy terrain. The on-hand demonstrator also explained that the terrain is mapped in real-time and that the road would stay dynamically deformed from tire depressions.

Motorstorm is scheduled to drop as a PS3 launch title in Nov.
RWA schrieb:
zeaLoT schrieb:
schaoli schrieb:
und ist die ps3 der 360 jetzt doch so sehr überlegen?
Nein es ist nur ne Techdemo wenn ich mir Mass Effect mit 10 sehr realistischen Gesichtern ansehe sehe ich kein Problem für die Xbox360 auch sowas darzustellen ist ja auch nur eine Person

Meinst du die Ülastikfigueren, die kaum ne Mine ziehen? verkrich dich ins MS Forum!
Shaoli hat ne Frage gestellt ich habe die Frage beantwortet
kandesbunzler schrieb:
seit heutigen tag ist motorstorm spielbar :)
hier ein sehr unscharfes photo

E3: Motorstorm kicks up serious mud on PS3
Published: 1 hours ago; 11:25am PDT
by Punch Jump Crew
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Punch Jump's Hot Coffee Talk

* E3: Punch Jump drives to E3 - Punch Jump
* E3: Resistance: Fall of Man shoots sharp on PS3 - Punch Jump
* E3: Video - Zelda fire boss on Nintendo Wii - Punch Jump
* E3: Saints Row gang bangs on Xbox 360 - Punch Jump
* E3: Video - Super Mario 64 on Wii Virtual Console - Punch Jump

Sony Computer Entertainment America this week debuted Motorstorm for the Playstation 3 at the Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles.

The game was first introduced in a pre-rendered visual at last year's E3.

The current version was set in a mountainous dirt track that included plenty of ramps, turns, and rough terrain to make the dune buggy create a muddy mess on the track.

The controls responded very well to the analog stick as realistic physics forced players to adjust their steering on rough landings and slick turns.

The graphics engine ran at 30 frames per second with very well textured terrain, vehicles, and character models. AI players can cause accidents, which will ignite sparks and further vehicle damage.

The dune buggy itself has plenty of detail in struts, springs, and tire movement along the bumpy terrain. The on-hand demonstrator also explained that the terrain is mapped in real-time and that the road would stay dynamically deformed from tire depressions.

Motorstorm is scheduled to drop as a PS3 launch title in Nov.
von welcher seite stammt dieser bericht ??
zeaLoT schrieb:
RWA schrieb:
zeaLoT schrieb:
schaoli schrieb:
und ist die ps3 der 360 jetzt doch so sehr überlegen?
Nein es ist nur ne Techdemo wenn ich mir Mass Effect mit 10 sehr realistischen Gesichtern ansehe sehe ich kein Problem für die Xbox360 auch sowas darzustellen ist ja auch nur eine Person

Meinst du die Ülastikfigueren, die kaum ne Mine ziehen? verkrich dich ins MS Forum!
Shaoli hat ne Frage gestellt ich habe die Frage beantwortet

hast nix falsch gemacht.
ich hätte die frage wohl lieber im war-thread stellen sollen :)
BlimBlim:"I've just called snoopers to see if he can make a video asap, he'll try to get one within the next hour, but he's in the other hall right now."

Es geht übrigens um Motorstorm. Da bin ich ja mal gespannt. 30fps klingt ja schon mal ernüchternd.
KingOfQueens schrieb:
ich will ein motorstorm video.

JETZT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BlimBlim:"Video coming in about 10 minutes."

sharukins:"what were snoopers impressions?"
BlimBlim:"He thinks it's quite beautiful but very empty. It's also nowhere near last year's trailer graphical's quality."
Wenn ich MS seh, dan bin ich auch entäuscht, sieht nicht wirklich gut aus. Und wenn ich schon die Zitate von AllesBasher lese, dann zurecht.
RWA schrieb:
Wenn ich MS seh, dan bin ich auch entäuscht, sieht nicht wirklich gut aus. Und wenn ich schon die Zitate von AllesBasher lese, dann zurecht.

BlimBlim hat wohl Probleme beim Upload, kann also noch dauern, aber in der Zwischenzeit mal ein erster Bericht über Motorstorm:

Auszug aus dem Artikel:

The game plays smoothly, with no sign of frame drops and full motion blur in effect at all times. Blur intensity is determined by the speed at which you are traveling and/or whether you are being tossed around. And you do get tossed around! Besides falling/rolling off ledges and crashing into other vehicles, motion blur is especially noticeable when 'boost' is active. Simon also confirmed that high dynamic range lighting effects are present (such was readily apparent), and that the game would be targeting a resolution of 720p.

The star of the game is the physics and vehicle modeling, however.

Each vehicle present in the game is fully destructible, with the form of their 'break up' determined entirely in game by physics. It's amazingly satisfying to run a motorcycle off the road and see it's tires come off and fly around in a realistic fashion. Larger vehicles have more to lose of course, and one of the most impressive moments of the game was chasing after a big-rig truck and seeing it's driver side door swing open and shut realistically according to the direction in which it was turning. The struts on your car also compress and expand, depending on the terrain, all in a completely realistic manner.

Another great consideration, the mud actually seems to appear wet or dry, depending on how recently it has been kicked up onto the vehicle.

Evolution is presently using Cell's SPEs for physics, collisions, and AI, among other things...

Bring it on!!!!
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