The Top 20 Essential GameCube Games: Part 1
Want to know which GameCube titles you simply have to own? We've compiled a comprehensive list inside.
by Mark Bozon
March 13, 2006 - The GameCube may be slowing down because of the pending Revolution that Nintendo has in store for the industry, but that doesn't mean you should be shelving the console and claiming your fanboy sorrow just yet. It's time for a reality check, boys and girls. There are a ton of amazing games for the Cube, and complain as we may, Nintendo fans have it pretty good. For that reason, your best friends here at IGN GameCube have put together a little feature to spark that always-burning Nintendo fire. Indeed, a rallying of the troops is in order.
Behold, the Top 20 Essential GameCube Games, our little gift to you all. This list includes our favorite 20 Cube titles, period. Oh, you may disagree, kick and scream, and e-mail us until you're blue in the face, but that's part of the fun. If every one of these games isn't in your collection, no matter what the reason, it's time to check yourself before claiming to be a starved gamer. Rather than letting our Cubes collect dust, we've pulled out our favorite GCN games and are taking them for another spin. Got gripes about our selections? We anxiously await your own lists on our IGN boards.
Now to explain the games at hand.
We've designed our Top 20 Essentials not based on which games have the highest scores, but what titles work best as a family to provide an entire, self-contained collection for Cube owners. Essentially, you could run to GameStop, grab a GCN and our 20 games, and be set for the entire current generation. That was our goal. Much like the late Herb Brooks (Head coach of Team USA hockey, 1980, AKA "Miracle on Ice") we aren't necessarily looking for the best games on Cube, we're "lookin' for the right ones." With that, we give you our own Top 20 Essential GameCube Games.
The following 10 games are in no particular order. Part 2 and another 10 games will be posted tomorrow.
Resident Evil 4
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Release Date: January 11, 2005
IGN Score: 9.8
Current Retail Price: $19.99
Description: Resident Evil 4 is without a doubt one of the best games on GCN and the most amazing and immersive of the franchise. There really isn't much that can be said that hasn't already been ranted and raved about. All we can really say is that it is essential to any collection. Resident Evil 4 did for the Cube what Super Mario World did for the SNES. It is visually impressive, flawlessly designed and a true vision. If for some amazingly unfortunate reason you have yet to grab a copy (or two --it's that damn good), grab it now. It is priced at $20, and there is no reason not to add this near-perfect game to your collection.
Metroid Prime
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Retro Studios
Release Date: November 19, 2002
IGN Score: 9.8
Current Retail Price: $19.99
Description: Metroid Prime was the first title to really change the Metroid franchise. Since its debut in 2002, fans have begun to associate Metroid with FPA gaming. Soon after the successful launch of Prime, Metroid Prime 2 Echoes was brought to the GCN, thus solidifying the FPA conversion. Now that the DS has launched, Metroid Prime Hunters is a highly anticipated AAA title. The future for console Metroid looks promising as well, as Metroid Prime 3 has been announced as a possible launch title for Nintendo Revolution. Metroid Prime not only started the franchise down a new road, it is also one of the best games on Cube to date.
F-Zero GX
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Amusement Vision
Release Date: August 23, 2003
IGN Score: 9.3
Current Retail Price: $19.99
Description: F-Zero is by far the fastest and most fearless racer on a Nintendo console to date. Releasing alongside a sit down arcade version, F-Zero GX expands on the original version, offering amazing visuals and an unparalleled sense of speed. The sheer amount of vehicle customization is nearly endless, allowing players to tweak every part of their ship, add or subtract parts to fit within weight restrictions, and even build their own racer from the ground up. For true racing fans, F-Zero will be far more appealing than Mario Kart: Double Dash. Yet another title that has dropped to just $20, there is no reason to pass this one up.
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo
Release Date: March 25, 2003
IGN Score: 9.6
Current Retail Price: $19.99
Description: It's amazing how much faith players can put in a franchise, and when that franchise continues (as we want it to), how often our vision is different from the final product. When Nintendo released The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, it was fearless. Everyone expected a mature themed adventure, and fans were split between loving and hating this vision. However, those who dove into Wind Waker found that the magic of the Zelda franchise was still there. The title boasted the same tight control mechanics and brilliant level designs that have together made Nintendo's acclaimed franchise so popular.
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Silicon Knights
Release Date: June 24, 2002
IGN Score: 9.6
Current Retail Price: $19.99
Description: Eternal Darkness is one of those rare and unconventional games that defy simple genre rules. Breaking the boundaries of traditional gameplay, the title actually made you feel insane while playing it -- or tried to. Anyone who has played it understands that feeling, and anyone who has yet to pick it up is in for a treat. The adventure follows a heroic young woman as she journeys to uncover the death of her grandfather. The game enables players to control upward of 12 characters and features a compelling storyline uncommon in videogames. A surprisingly innovative thriller that's worth every penny.
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Hal Laboratory
Release Date: December 3, 2001
IGN Score: 9.6
Current Retail Price: $19.99
Description: There's a reason why every Nintendo fan is chomping at the bit when imagining the possibility of Super Smash Bros as a Revolution launch title. The game is any Nintendo fanboy's wet dream, featuring the best characters from every major Big N franchise. Melee has become the grand stage of fighters, much like Mario Kart is for racing fans. If you do in fact own a GameCube, and have yet to grab a copy of Smash Bros, please commit honorable suicide at this time (or we guess you could just go buy it too). You won't find a more addictive fighter on Nintendo's console.
TimeSplitters 2
Publisher: Edios Interactive
Developer: Free Radical Design
Release Date: October 15, 2002
IGN Score: 9.1
Current Retail Price: $19.99
Description: While Goldeneye will forever be known as the FPS that changed the world, we haven't really seen that many classics since the 1997 blockbuster from Rare. But UK studio Free Radical Design, which employs members of the orignial Goldeneye team, has definitely filled the void. TimeSplitters 2 retains a ton of the look, feel, and pure soul of Goldeneye and adds updated visuals and untamed speed. Most of the guns and gameplay elements are taken right from 007, making TimeSplitters 2 the unofficial heir to the series. Aside from being inspired by a legendary shooter, TimeSplitters offers a ton of game options, full story mode, and even a level creator. Not too shabby for a few bucks.
Super Mario Sunshine
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo EAD
Release Date: August 26, 2002
IGN Score: 9.4
Current Retail Price: $19.99
Description: While it may not have made the same impression as Mario 64 did, Super Mario Sunshine gives Nintendo fans serious 3D platforming at its finest. As Nintendo's top franchise, Mario is expected to deliver the highest quality of gaming possible, teamed with innovation and perfect gameplay. Sunshine fulfilled those expectations in nearly every way, though some gamers still have trouble getting past the game's younger presentation. In the end, however, it all comes down to gameplay for Mario, and while the leap to the Cube may not have been as huge as the N64 conversion, the stunning visuals and classic platforming make it essential to any Nintendo fan's collection.
Battalion Wars
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Kujo Entertainment
Release Date: September 19, 2005
IGN Score: 8.8
Current Retail Price: $49.99
Description: Ah yes... Battalion Wars. In a perfect world, every GBA owner that enjoys Advance Wars would own this beauty, though Battalion Wars still fits under the "sleeper hit" category. The gameplay made a conversion from turn-based strategy to full 3D real-time combat, mixed with RTS controls. Think of it as Pikmin with guns. While Fire Emblem retained similar gameplay with a more mature look, Battalion wars delivered the exact opposite, evolving the franchise on Cube, while keeping a similar look to the GBA art and presentation.
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
Release Date: November 18, 2003
IGN Score: 9.6
Current Retail Price: $19.99
Description: While there are plenty of great franchises that have made the conversion from 2D over to 3D, Prince of Persia stands out as one of the only ones able to keep the exact feel of gameplay through the conversion. Games like Metroid manage to change the way franchises are played while still keeping the magic alive, but Prince of Persia retains everything from the previous versions. Gameplay feels exactly how it did on the 2D productions, offering level design that will drive a sane gamer completely mad, and control that ensures precise platforming. Nothing in the design had to change for a near-perfect conversion, making Prince of Persia one of the best franchises to truly conquer the leap from 2D into 3D. Did we mention this is a gorgeous game?