Im folgenden Video siehst du, wie du consolewars als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm deines Smartphones installieren kannst.
Hinweis: This feature may not be available in some browsers.
design geändert?
und was leute stellenweise für zusammen hänge aufstellen.
btw.: sie wird anscheinend die weiblichecid
Famitsu: I guess I’ll just look forward to the finished game. (laughs) With this round of information you revealed a new character called Cidney, will she be around in towns as well.
Tabata: No, she’ll appear in other places.
Famitsu: You’re eyes are sort of just drawn to her cleavage, you know?
Tabata: Yeah. The person overseeing her really put his all into the character, added a load of details. At first there was so much jiggle I wasn’t sure what to do about it. (laughs)
Famitsu: They jiggled at one point, huh? (laughs) So, what kind of character is she?
Tabata: She’s not deeply involved in the main story. She’s an engineer who will be useful to you on your travels. She’ll appear in the demo as well. When you think of Final Fantasy “Cid” is an irreplaceable part of that, so maybe she’s related to “Cid” somehow?
Famitsu: Wait, you mean she’s [the Cid]?!
Tabata: ...Maybe. (laughs)
@Interview auf
Square Enix plant Online-Spiel zu Final Fantasy XV
30.12.14 - Square Enix bereitet ein Online-Spiel vor, das in Zusammenhang zu Final Fantasy XV (PS4, Xbox One) stehen soll. Das geht aus einem Stellenangebot für einen Game Planner hervor.
Es ist unklar, um was es sich handelt: Es könnte ein Spin-Off, Smartphone-Spiel, eine Companion App, ein Browser-Spiel, uvm. sein. Square Enix hat sich nicht zu der Meldung geäußert.
Wann erscheint Final Fantasy XV? Das ist wohl eine der wichtigsten Fragen, die Final-Fantasy-Fans unter den Nägeln brennt. 2006 wurde das Spiel erstmals enthüllt, damals noch als Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Nach der Umbenennung in Final Fantasy XV zur E3 2013 und insbesondere nach dem Wechsel von Tetsuya Nomura zu Hajime Tabata gibt es wieder sehr regelmäßig neue Informationen.
Hajime Tabata hat seinen Fahrplan fest im Kopf – doch welcher Tag am Ende dieses Fahrplans steht, das hat Tabata natürlich noch nicht verraten. Man möchte eigentlich gern annehmen, dass eine spielbare Demo relativ zeitnah zum Release des fertigen Spiels erhältlich ist. Erscheint Final Fantasy XV also tatsächlich noch in diesem Jahr? Nicht einmal darauf hat sich Tabata bislang öffentlich festgelegt.
Sony hingegen scheint sich da sicher zu sein. Denn im Beitrag Die PlayStation Spiele-Hits 2015 – Teil 1 gibt man an, dass das Spiel noch dieses Jahr erscheinen soll:
sony blog, yesh, darauf kann man sich zu 100% verlassenselbst wenn SE vor kurzem sagte das es in maximal 2 jahren erscheint![]()
Woher hast du das denn? So eine Nachricht gab es in letzter Zeit nicht und solange wird es sicherlich nicht mehr dauern. Ich rechne spätestens mit 2016. Alles andere wäre ein Desaster reloaded.
Die Demo soll doch mit Type-0 erscheinen, welches wiederum Anfang dieses Jahres erscheinen soll. Damit sollte die Sache doch klar sein.
Final Fantasy XV Lead Game Designer Wan Hazmer has shared new behind the scenes details about Final Fantasy XV. In the blog post, he reveals that the team has been very busy working on the demo, titled as Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae. As the director Hajime Tabata has mentioned earlier, the development team is currently at the 80% production mark with the demo. However, Hazmer explains that these last 20% is very crucial because most of the optimization, polishing and debugging happens during this time. That all is basically what makes the game playable and stabile. No comments about the release of the demo, but Hazmer tells that fans’ feedback will be important towards the success of the new numbered Final Fantasy game since the battle system and open world exploration are new to the franchise.
You can read the full blog post here or below.
When I landed in Tokyo, piles and piles of work were waiting for me at my office. You guessed it, it’s the rush towards finishing the trial of FFXV, Episode Duscae. Days of delicious roti canai and teh tarik are now like a distant memory as I realize that we have a game to finish!
This horrendous busy week has prevented me from looking at all your awesome resumes one by one. When I saw it coming, I went “Yay!”. A somewhat short exciting moment before I drag it into the Recruitment folder. I know some of you had inquiries about the recruitment on FB and email and I apologize for the late reply. I will attend to them next week.
My boss Tabata-san mentioned in an interview that we are at the 80% production mark, but anyone who has worked in any creative production knows that the last 20% is crucial. Optimization, polishing and debugging. To put it in simple terms.
Regardless, it’s a fun kind of hell, mainly because of the thought that we get to see what you think of the game after it’s done!
Remember to pre-order Final Fantasy Type-0 HD or download it within a limited period once it’s ready in March to get the download code for FFXV Episode Duscae. The battle system and open world exploration are new to the franchise. Your feedback is crucial towards the success of this new numbered Final Fantasy.
Ok time to take a nap. Never seem to sleep enough lately lol. Stay tuned for more news!
demo erst bei 80%?
und der rest?
Polygon has interviewed Final Fantasy XV director Hajime Tabata and discussed about the upcoming demo, titled as Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae. During the interview Tabata reveals that they first planned to make the car be available to drive in the demo, but they didn’t want people to be mistaken and think that Final Fantasy has become a driving game.
“Originally we were planning on making the car be available to drive throughout the world and throughout the demo,” Tabata told Polygon. “But we didn’t want people to mistake it and think ‘When did Final Fantasy become a driving game?'”
Tabata also stressed that instead of that, they are planning to “take things down a notch” and focus more on the character and exploration in the game’s seamless world. He also added that there will be “extreme improvement and evolvement” in Final Fantasy XV and they want to show new updates for the fans one step a time to avoid making too big changes too suddenly.
“You’ll be able to experience the starting point of what an open-world Final Fantasy would potentially feel like,” Tabata said. “You’ll really be able to experience that seamless Final Fantasy world within the demo itself, but then if you play it, you’ll still really get a sense that it’s a Final Fantasy game. You’ll get that balance within the demo.”
“We’ve re-thought the demo in order for it to be more playable and accessible to people who know the franchise,” Tabata said.
Polygon promised a full interview next week, so we are getting new details soon!
he latest issue of Jump magazine has a new preview of Final Fantasy XV. But it doesn’t offer much in the way of new details. But it does show Noctis using a dragoon’s spear.
Here’s our translation:
Instantaneous actions change the progression of battle!
Make full use your abilities and defenses, evasion and teleporation, and other actions. Control Noctis and repel the approaching enemies!
Lower left screenshot: While defending against the enemy attack, fight back with skills that can create your big opportunity.
Lower right screenshot: Explore vast areas where enemies both big and small stroll along.
Final Fantasy XV is in development for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
Boah, ich kann nicht mehr warten, und es dauert bestimmt noch ein Jahr bis das Spiel überhaupt erscheint :sad2::sad2: