L15: Wise
Ich sage es ist Lightning :v:
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Ich sage es ist Lightning :v:
Naja. Die Charaktere aus dem Trailer sind imo deshalb uninteressant, weil sie mir vorkommen, als seien sie einfach Abziehbilder von Anime-Tropes.
Lightning wird als Fan Favorite eh wieder kommen. Ist ja Fakt das es nie einen beliebteren Final Fantasy Charakter gab. Die Leute wollen auch unbedingt ein Final Fantasy XIII Remake da dürfen wir uns alle auf Final Fantasy XIII 123 Definitive Edition freuen!
Da ist wohl gerade wieder ein Sarkasmus-Detektor defekt.:v:
Motomu Toriyama, director for Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, was in Singapore recently to promote the latest and last entry in the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy. Siliconera stopped by the launch to catch up with Toriyama.
For Lightning, her story ends here in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, as this game is meant as a finale to this series. But we know that Lightning is an extremely popular character, even when compared to other Final Fantasy characters.
So there is a possibility that Lightning would appear in other future Final Fantasy titles, not as a protagonist, but as a guest character.
Da ist wohl gerade wieder ein Sarkasmus-Detektor defekt.:v:
Wenns nur so wäre
Ich glaube da ist eher Square Enix kaputt :v:
Nicht wirklich, hab seinen Kommentar schon sarkastisch aufgefasst, jedoch ist es trotzdem eine traurige Wahrheit. Lightning werden wir nie wieder los weil die von SE sie ja so lieben. Die hatte/hat doch ein Auftritt auch bei FFXIV. Ich würde mich nicht wundern wenn in dem Cape am Ende Lightning ist als Endboss, boah würde ich durchdrehen :v:
In FF VII gabs schließlich auch nen Abschnitt mit Cloud aufm Motorrad und das fanden damals alle megacool![]()
Generell stimmt es wahrscheinlich wirklich, dass die Charaktere nur so ungewohnt androgyn wirken, weil die Grafik Squall und Co. damals noch nicht so darstellen konnte, wie die Charaktere heute.
So the negatives out of this combat system:
- Holding "Attack" for continuous string of attacks instead of manual pressing for better feedback
- No Manual Weapon Switching
- No Manual Party Assists
- No Party Switching (only Noctis playable?)
It's basically set up your weapons, and then just hold the "Attack" button and let the AI do its thing. How is that fun?
What it should have been:
- Mash attack for every single attack
- Can manually switch weapons with a button (like say L1)
- Can manually call for party assists when close by with a button (say Square)
- Can manually switch to other party members with a button (say R1)
- Have the KH like command menu for each character
- Have the FFXII gambits for ordering other characters when you're not controlling them
According to Tabata, combat isn’t about pressing a button once for a single action to happen.
“Rather, they are a continuous flow of movements,” Tabata told Kotaku. “It’s more about the movements that are associated with the buttons and building upon them for actions through the combat system.”
Playing it will feel “very natural,” Tabata said. “The way a game play has to feel good.”
To Game Informer, he said, “We won’t go into too much detail, but you can switch between an offensive stance and a defensive stance with the push of a button.”
At the Tokyo Game Show, Tabata shared few combat details, but said that holding down the attack button creates a string of interlinking attacks, while holding down the defend button will guard enemy attacks.
The “Defense Movement” system will allow players to move around while defending, Tabata told Famitsu.
Speaking to 4Gamer, Tabata said gameplay is less about focusing on menus and more about playing around and navigating 3D spaces, albeit with predetermined moves. He describes it as similar to Final Fantasy XII‘s Gambit System.
There are no menu commands in combat. It controls like an action game where players switch between offense and defense. You can only control Noctis, but you can give orders to other party members. And there are menus to give commands to everyone, swap out weapons, etc.
Weapons are set in a deck. During battle, the deck will choose the most appropriate weapon for the battle based on the situation.
Noctis can teleport around battlefields by throwing sword and getting it to stick in places, Tabata told 4Gamer. There are existing conditions that limit how it can be used, although they can change depending on battlefield conditions.
The effects of magic can also affect enemies in more abstract ways, Tabata told Famitsu. Fire, for instance, can make enemies run away from the heat.
As for enemy encounters, “it’s all seamless.”
“You’ve got enemies that are roaming around in all areas…there’s not an ‘encounter,’ per se. It’s all seamless,” Tabata told Game Informer.
Das ks ist so wie ich es vermurt hatte, sogar Deck basedes ist auch kein richtiges arpg mehr eher FFXII x Type 0. im Gaf sind auch die meisten pissed weil scheinbar nur Noctis spielbar sein wird, finde dazu aber nicht Quote. Scheinbar soll es auch eine vereinfachte Version des type 0 ks sein und viel mit Kontextsensitivität arbeiten.
aus dem famitsu interview- Only controlled Noctis, but final game will allow control of characters other than Noctis. No demonstration of this.