L20: Enlightened
Käme FF vs 13 erst für Next-Gen müsste man ja Grafik usw alles noch mal neu machen. Dann käme das Spiel wohl nicht vor 2020.
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Käme FF vs 13 müsste man ja Grafik usw alles noch mal neu machen. Dann käme das Spiel wohl nicht vor 2020.
Nur ist Final Fantasy alles andere als neue IP
Ich bezweifle das Versus in einer neuen Gen zum jetzigen Standpunkt Erfolgreicher wäre, als es jetzt in dieser Gen noch bringen.
Das ist verdammt arm.Dir könnte man wohl aber auch eine Tüte mit Hundekacke verkaufen solange Final Fantasy drauf steht oder die kacke zumindest von einem Japaner kommt.
Wie manchen die Qualität von dem was sie spielen einfach so egal sein kann ist mir ein Rätsel.
in erster linie haten wir nur ff 13. ;-)
- It will be different from the battle system of Final Fantasy XIII. Versus XIII will draw the nostalgic feeling from old Final Fantasy titles and blend it with a whole new concept.
- The action and the pace will be similar to the battles of Kingdom Hearts but united with new mechanics. Both, FF and KH, styles will be mixed into this game. Nomura said that the actions the character performs after selecting commands for them is close to that of Kingdom Hearts.
- Characters will do actions like double jumping and so forth and move with great speeds.
- The game will have elements of what Nomura referred to as a "TPS," or third person shooter. Your view of the action will change based on the weapon that you're using, in order to give the best control.
- You can have up to three members in your party. The party members will be chosen for you as part of the story because of tutorial considerations. As you advance further into the game, you will be able to select your members. Noctis is always part of your party and if he dies, the game is over.
- You will be free to switch between three party members during battle if you want to.
- While Versus won't have team-up attacks that form super a super attack, Nomura said that players can time their characters to chain together multi-character attacks on their own. It's seen in the trailer but hard to noticed due to the speed of battles. Examples of this system involve using magic to send the enemy flying back and then switching quickly to another character to come in for an attack.
- The trailer showed Noctis warping about while taking out enemies. Nomura explained that players wont be able to warp freely to every spot on the battle field. However, you will be able to warp to the location where you've placed your sword. You can also throw your sword into the distance, then warp to it. This is one area of the game where Nomura and crew are currently conducting test.
- When asked about changing eye and hair color Nomura, the projects director, stated that his eyes and hair change with his emotions as well as different actions in battle.
Ich muss ehrlich sagen, dass mir FF13 bislang besser gefällt als FF12.
alleine sowas hier fast gleich zu beginn:
macht es schon zig mal besser als ff 13.
riesen stadt, voller leute, gebäuden und vorallem läden.
Und nein Dingo, ich muss dir widersprechen. Hätte FF13 eine Story wie FF7 wäre es definitv das bessere Spiel, da mich in einem FF in erster Linie nunmal die Story interessiert.
Würde ich auch sagen, naja nicht nur FF 13 eher hate ich alles was nach FF10 gekommen ist.