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tomesi schrieb:Man sollte Japanisch als Nebenfach an den Schulen wählen können.
Immer dieses lange warten auf Top Games![]()
Vincent schrieb:tomesi schrieb:Man sollte Japanisch als Nebenfach an den Schulen wählen können.
Immer dieses lange warten auf Top Games![]()
Gute Idee, hätte ich lieber gewählt als französisch. Das Spiel gibts übrigens schon seit 13.03.03 in Japan.![]()
Probably the single most interesting thing about Final Fantasy X-2's gameplay is the decidedly un-RPG-like way that it unfolds. You start out aboard the Celsius, the Gullwings' airship, and you're immediately given access to just about every area in the game (most of which will be familiar to FFX fans)
Unless you've got a strategy guide on hand, determining what you'll find at a given location at any point in the game is a crapshoot
Though it's possible to blow through the game in about half the time of many RPGs, players with a serious interest in the storyline and obtaining the best items will find that FFX-2 is about as long as its predecessor. In short: The importance of the "optional" content in the game can't be overlooked.
A good number of the missions in FFX-2 have you focusing on the Final Fantasy basics. That is, you'll spend a fair amount of time crawling through dungeons, leveling up, talking to non-player characters, customizing your party, fighting huge boss monsters, and so on. RPG fans definitely know the drill here. However, trivial minigames have been creeping into the Final Fantasy games at an alarming rate over the last few years, and in this regard, X-2 is definitely the most egregious offender in the series. Thankfully, most of the core story missions are centered on story progression, exploration, and combat, but many of the side missions contain minigames that are more annoying than entertaining.
Gamers have long clamored for Square to continue the storyline of one of its Final Fantasy games, and with good reason. After spending a good 50 hours with a group of characters embroiled in one life-or-death situation after another, you can't help wanting more. Now the concept of a direct sequel has been put into practice, and the result is Final Fantasy X-2: a slightly uneven but still engaging game that's worthy of the revered name. The story's almost-total reliance on a familiarity with Final Fantasy X may limit its audience to those who enjoyed that game, but then, if you're into RPGs and own a PlayStation 2, odds are you've finished FFX at least once already. At its best, FFX-2 is every bit as poignant, endearing, and engrossing as its forebears, and it's this similarity to stronger games in the series that ultimately makes X-2's minor flaws forgivable.
Frenck schrieb:Seit Teil 7 spricht mich FF weder optisch noch sonstwie an, wurde nur verschlimmbessert.
Und warum man gerade zu dem uninteressantesten Teil eine Fortsetzung macht bleibt mir auch ein Rätsel, jetzt ist aber wenigstens nicht mehr Square allein Schuld, sondern die Fans die lieber ein paar Girls in Höschchen sehen als eine ordentlich entwickelte Rollenspielwelt.
Es würde mich freuen wenn FFXII, welches ich optisch wieder als Aufschwung sehe, mal etwas mehr wie Kotor ist; das hat nämlich so ziemlich jedes Rolenspiel gerockt das von 97 bis jetzt rauskam.
Wenn man sich zwischen verschiedenen wegen entscheiden könnte, das würde FF weiter bringen als irgendwelche Manga Girlies die in Unterwäsche rumspringen.