PS4/PS5/PC Final Fantasy VII Remake (First on PS4) - Spoilerfrei!

Das stimmt, aber stört mich nicht, Hauptsache es kommt :win:

So sieht es aus! :goodwork: Wir haben viel zu lange darauf warten müssen. :puppy:

gesund ernähren und sport treiben.
ist sich einfrieren lassen inzwischen eine option?

Einfrieren wäre wirklich klasse! Ich will noch alle Zähne im Mund haben und keine Gehhilfe verwenden müssen, wenn es dann endlich einmal kommt. Alt, aber glücklich. :lol:
Ihr könntet es halt Cartman nachmachen :v:

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Jetzt hab ich Angst. :angst2: Dieses Bild in meinem Kopf...
@ Release

Ach kommt! Wir hoffen doch auf die Erscheinung zum 20-jährigen... oder? :ugly:
25-jährigen, vielleicht? So zum Abschluß der Konsolengeneration... :uglylol:
oh man... Bitte SE! Nich so lang... :(
Ich denke mal das passt hier

Final Fantasy VII: The Series Proof of Concept Video Recreates Game Scenes in Live-Action

Live-action fan series have gotten more attention lately with the Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope pilot and The Zelda Project. Director Roth Rind, PermaGrin Films, and the Rind-Raja Picture Company are joining in with their own live-action Final Fantasy VII project.

The team released a proof of concept video for Final Fantasy VII: The Series to show how Roth and crew always imagined the original PlayStation video game when they played it in 1997. The video stars Brandon Wardle as the protagonist Cloud Strife, Gary Nohealii as Sephiroth, Brandon Alexander Johnson as Barret Wallace, Alyson Chung as Tifa Lockhart, Connie Jo Sechrist as Aerith Gainsborough, Ian Boisvert as Rufus Shinra, and Joelle Nyquist as Marlene Wallace.


The group is also streaming a behind-the-scenes video showing how the proof of concept was made.

The channel also hosts six web series videos, including a mock commercial for Shinra Energy.



Fan fervor over Final Fantasy VII reached a new high last month when Square Enix confirmed that the long-anticipated remake was finally in the works for PlayStation 4.

Sorry, fans of Square Enix's Active Time Battle system, but it sounds like the Final Fantasy 7 Remake is going a different direction for its combat. Speaking to Official PlayStation Magazine, game director Tetsuya Nomura said that the team will be making "dramatic changes" to the game's fights. "And of course, that being said we want to clarify: We’re not going to be changing it into a shooter or something like that. We are going to be bringing dramatic changes, but we want to make sure it’s still recognizable."

If the thought of something different-but-kinda-the-same brought to mind the 2005 film Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children, you're not too far off from Nomura's own thinking. Nomura stated that the team will be looking to the movie - which Nomura also directed - for visual references and inspiration, but that he and his team "don’t intend on utilising the 3D models of Advent Children as is because, well, it’s a different technology, and it’s actually been almost ten years since Advent Children was first released."

Da bin ich mal gespannt.
Ich auch. Ein Großteil der Faszination des Kampfsystem kam imo aus den Materia-Koppelungen. Bin gespannt, wie sie damit arbeiten werden.
Tja. Man muss halt dazu sagen dass das Original schlecht gealtert ist. Es käme wohl nicht gut wenn man das KS 1:1 übernehmen würde.
Das kann man eher bei nem Shooter machen wo sich seit fast 15 Jahren kaum was an der Mechanik verbessert hat.
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