[highlight]6. The Feeling of Traveling the World![/highlight] ====================================================
We modified the top illustration for the development
column. We figured it would make you happy if we
changed it once a month!
Along with this image, its time to introduce the art
director, Airi Yoshioka. As the art director, other than
doing image illustration, one must also take charge of
background work.
Yoshioka has worked on Saga 2, FF9, FF12, and
Seiken Densetsu 4, in which she did monster design for
the first time, as well as illustrations.
I got her to do a doodle for us! (Asano)
Yoshitaka Amano's artwork presents an image that is
as clear as the blue sky. We're happy to remain true
to his ideas, so we take them into consideration when
doing the remake.
The fact that you are traveling the world must also be
represented in the design work. Not long ago in game
production, it was common to use the same tile patterns
due to problems with capacity.
Then, no matter where you go in the world, it has the
same atmosphere don't you think?
Because of the fact we've got towns and castles as settings,
you'd think they might all look the same! But we're trying
to make each one unique.
For example, take Damcyan which is a commercial nation in
the desert. It has adopted the feeling and pattern of a
Middle Eastern flair.
Eblan, on the other hand, has a basic Asian feel. Just the color
and taste of the material should suggest the feeling of a Ninja
residence, you see?
When the development team thinks of a player simply walking
through these places and not being moved (because that strange
feeling is now gone from the original), we feel we must start from
the ground up and adjust every last detail!
That being the case, we have our work cut out for us in creating
the maps, and we're having fun doing it since we've learned a lot
from working on Final Fantasy 3. And with that, we'll see you next week!