FFCC: The Crystal Bearers - more info
Keiss - opportunistic Selkie always on the lookout for a money-making proposition
Cid - former chief engineer of the kingdom
- when you grab enemies, you cause use their powers (grab archer, fire arrows)
- Use Layle's power to pull treasure chests to you, flip levers, etc.
- use/throw items at enemies
- status screen shows attack, defend, luck, focus and target range stats
- 3 types of accessories: rings, earrings, and amulets
- side activities: dancing, helping harvest crops at a farm, snowboarding and more
- Alfitaria, the Yuke home is now underground ruins
- you'll also visit the Industrial city of Bridgetwon
- gain more freedom to explore the game's world as you get deeper into the story
- the developers of the game were surprised by an in-game action they saw: a scarecrow turned a cow into steak meat for trampling crops