Far Cry 2

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Ih denk ich hol mir Far Cry 2. Halo hat mich noch nie sonderlich interessiert.

FC2 gibts bei gamehubs.com für 35€

Edit. Was meinst du eigentlich mit "die paar Monate"? Kommt da demnächst noch was?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Gears (1) kannst du weg lassen oder irgendwann nachholen, aber Halo ist ein MUSS :aargh:

Gerade dieses WE nochmal durchgezockt und es rockt immer wieder :D
Hab jetzt seit über 2 Jahren eine Xbox mit sehr vielen Spielen, aber Halo 3 ist nicht dabei..überhypter Shooter, im Multiplayer Gears unterlegen und Singleplayer nicht der Rede wert!:-)
Hab jetzt seit über 2 Jahren eine Xbox mit sehr vielen Spielen, aber Halo 3 ist nicht dabei..überhypter Shooter, im Multiplayer Gears unterlegen und Singleplayer nicht der Rede wert!:-)
omg wie recht du hast, habe halo auf pc gezockt. das spiel ist zwar nicht schlecht, aber auch nichts besonderes

zurück zum thema:
Far Cry 2 ist natürlich pflicht, da COD5 nicht von infinity ward ist und ich somit auf COD6 warten muss greife ich zu FC
Extra Far Cry 2 missions for those who pre-order

UK retailer HMV are offering four extra missions to those who pre-order Far Cry 2. The four missions are set to give players “access to hours of gameplay.” They are:

• The Georgian
The Georgian informant has gone into hiding at the Fuel Depot in UFLL territory, find him and discover what your predecessor learned from him about the Jackal’s location.

• The Bolivian
The Bolivian informant is on the run, trying to escape the country by stealing a plane from a small airfield in APR territory. Try to get to him before your predecessor does.

• Special Delivery
Your employers have more information for you about your predecessor – learn the location of his new dead drop and raid it to find information about his secret meetings.

• Le Francais
A French smuggler and arms dealer who may have been providing arms to the Jackal has been tipped off, and your predecessor is trying to stop him from crossing the border. Find out what Frenchman’s price is.

The offer applies to the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC versions of the game which releases this Friday (24th October 2008). Will you be pre-ordering Far Cry 2 from HMV for these extra missions? Tell us your thoughts on the offer and on the game by leaving a comment below.

Hmm ne Überlegung Wert.Wollte es bei TheHut.com bestellen für knapp 33 Euro aber für 2,50 mehr 4 Missionen mehr ist schon nicht schlecht.Werde es dort bestellen.Danke!!
Wie siehst mit nem Review der PS3 Version aus?:neutral:
Extra Far Cry 2 missions for those who pre-order

UK retailer HMV are offering four extra missions to those who pre-order Far Cry 2. The four missions are set to give players “access to hours of gameplay.” They are:

• The Georgian
The Georgian informant has gone into hiding at the Fuel Depot in UFLL territory, find him and discover what your predecessor learned from him about the Jackal’s location.

• The Bolivian
The Bolivian informant is on the run, trying to escape the country by stealing a plane from a small airfield in APR territory. Try to get to him before your predecessor does.

• Special Delivery
Your employers have more information for you about your predecessor – learn the location of his new dead drop and raid it to find information about his secret meetings.

• Le Francais
A French smuggler and arms dealer who may have been providing arms to the Jackal has been tipped off, and your predecessor is trying to stop him from crossing the border. Find out what Frenchman’s price is.

The offer applies to the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC versions of the game which releases this Friday (24th October 2008). Will you be pre-ordering Far Cry 2 from HMV for these extra missions? Tell us your thoughts on the offer and on the game by leaving a comment below.


dürfte die gleiche aktion sein, die Amazon momentan hat, oder? (da habe icha uch einen Code für 4 Zusatzmissionen bekommen)
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