Liquaron schrieb:Sagt mal, sind die Wii Spiele nicht region free?
Denn Excite Truck soll ja erst im Februar zu uns kommen![]()
Leider sind die nicht Region-Free ....aber wenn wir Glück haben erscheint in Zukunft ein Wii Freeloader. Hoffen wir es

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Liquaron schrieb:Sagt mal, sind die Wii Spiele nicht region free?
Denn Excite Truck soll ja erst im Februar zu uns kommen![]()
nintendo666 schrieb:das spiel kommt im februar erst zu uns? dabei wollt ich mir das morgen holen, weil ich dringend ein zweites spiel brauche...![]()
Perplex schrieb:4h Umfang und auch mit dem bescheidenen Multi keine Langzeitmotivation. Sehr enttäuschend.
I'm in the same boat with others in that I felt the game wasn't that first. But, after my friends starting playing and pulling off these awesome turbo boost and insane air, I had to try again. The game really grows on you and now I love the controls and the difficulty level is just right...
Yes! This is a game that grows on you. I didn't care for it at first, either, but watching my friend play it made me want to try it again. It has a lot more depth than it looks like at first, and it's ****in fun. It definitely surprised me.
I thought I hated it and it was dumb dumb crap when I played it at gamestop store.
When I played it at home I thought it was actually really quite fun and had a good degree of technique to its sillyness.
Wow, like a lot of you I hated this game at first. For some reason I couldn't get past the controls at first, although in retrospect I'm in love with them. It didn't take long for me to like them, maybe an hour or two. The tutorials were rough on me haha, thats probably why I hated the game at first.
I didn't like the demo, then I bought the game and played through the tutorial where I learned the tricks to landing, boosting off jumps, stunts, etc.
The game rocks. His opinion > someone who played a 15 minute demo.
I got this from gamefly yesterday and had a few hours to screw around with it. I can see how people who only spent short amounts of time with it could be unimpressed. I started out with the tutorials, which were not fun, but at least teach you a few things. I thought the whole thing pretty much sucked until my fourth or fifth actual race. Once I stopped thinking about the controls it got really fun.
his is pure old-school gaming, where the point is to just do as much crazy shit as possible for points. Launch yourself 300 ft. in the air, weave through trees and cars Burnout-style, turn trees into mulch, turn other trucks into mulch; if it's fun it earns you points.
This game is really fun, period. It's just pure gameplay, pure adrenaline
Wolski schrieb:ich freu mich auf das spiel
orbit schrieb:kann mal jemand zusammenfassen wieviele Strecken, Cups etc. es in diesem god game gibt? Werds mir definitiv holen, möchte aber dennoch wissen welchen Umfang das Spiel hat.
Bzgl. des Games: wenn es ein Arcaderacer ist, ist es doch herzlich egal obs 4 Stunden Spieldauer hat oder gar 1 Stunde. Wer auf sowas Wert legt in diesem Genre sollte vielleicht lieber eine Rennsimulation spielen.
Motorbass schrieb:Es gibt aber einiges Freizuspielen. Lackierungen für jeden einzelnen Truck, geheime Trucks, eine Spezialstrecke, Spiegelmodus usw.