Im folgenden Video siehst du, wie du consolewars als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm deines Smartphones installieren kannst.
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ditoDarum gehts mir nichtmalIch leg bei RPGs gerne mehrere speicherstände an, falls ich irgendwie was falsches rückgängig machen will :'<
btw: auf was für ner modulgröße wird das spiel eigentlich gebracht. wenn die welt wirklich größer als die von DQ8 sein soll (und alles in 3d), dann könnte das 128mb modul doch etwas eng werden. selbst Hotel Dusk, RE DS, FF4 und co haben da grad so draufgepasst (waren so um die 110-120mb groß). kann mir irgendwie nicht vorstellen, dass DQ9 vergleichbar groß ist wie die anderen. Suikoden Tierkreis hat man auch auf nem 256mb modul rausgebracht (zum teil wohl auch wegen der sprachausgabe) und das war von der spielzeit bisher das längste rpg auf dem DS (ich weiß, spielzeit != speichergröße)
man wechselt seinen Job also bei der Dharma Station "The Shrine"?![]()
-In Dragon Quest 1, it took them a while to decide whether to use lifebars or numbers to represent character health. They decided on numbers because they felt it had more impact on the player. Seeing your lifebar get small didn't have much impact, but seeing your HP drop to 5 or 10 really gave you a sense of urgency. So they went with hit points as numbers.
-The idea for DQ9 came from Hori thinking "man, it would be cool to play a DQ3-style game with your friends"
-They originally said they were going to have real-time action battles, but after testing it out it was too monotonous. Turned out to be much more fun keeping the old turn-based command style, especially in multiplayer where you could take some time to discuss strategy with your friends before committing to an action.
-Becoming one of the super-classes (paladin, battle master, etc) is entirely quest-based. It doesn't matter what your revious class was. A magic user can become a battle master.
-The idea for quests came about as a way to take the pain away from level-grinding. If you are up against a tough boss, and you aren't quite strong enough to beat him, you will need to gain some levels. Instead of feeling like "Crap. Time to spend a couple hours fighting random battles", now the feeling is more like "cool, I'll just do some of these quests, and I'll probably level up on the way."
-Changing classes drops you back to level one, but any techniques (eg, Dragon Cut) or bonuses (eg, +60 HP) that you gain from skill points stay with you. The producer guy suggests that you could take your thief character and change him to a priest. He'd keep the "Steal" technique. Then in battle, when nobody needs healing, instead of sitting on your priestly thumbs you could try to steal items from monsters. You can get some interesting results from mixing classes like this.
-You can advance the story in multiplayer (wasn't originally allowed, but it was requested by playtesters so they put it in). If you really need help with a boss, you can have a more powerful friend come in and help you. They also had some funny stories. Like if your friends get into a battle, you can sneak past them while they are fighting and check all the drawers/pots for items before helping them out. It's even possible for a player to be in town buying items while the others are fighting the last boss: "Hold on guys, I'm buying a Medical Herb." "What the hell do you need a Medical Herb for? This is the last boss!" It's also possible to delay entering commands while waiting for your friends to make it to battle. Lots of player freedom.
Keine Ahnung was das soll, aber die PSP erwarten noch tolle Level5 Entwicklungen. Unnötig solche der Megaton-KillerApp wird die PSP endgültig versenkt![]()
Keine Ahnung was das soll, aber die PSP erwarten noch tolle Level5 Entwicklungen. Unnötig solche Kommentare.
Abgesehen davon: Game of the Gen incoming and I'm ready for it! Noch zwei Wochen!
Ushiro und Cardboard Senki wenn ich mich noch recht entsinnen kann.Was kommt nochmal von L5 für die PSP eigentlich.
Und es sind nur noch 9 Tage bis zum HHGotG![]()
Ushiro und Cardboard Senki wenn ich mich noch recht entsinnen kann.
9 Tage??? Oh shit, da hab ich was verplant! FUUUUUUUUUCK YEAH!!!!!!!