PS4/Switch Disgaea 5

Disgaea 5 squad mechanics revealed

NIS has released a swath of new media for Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance, featuring a little bit of everything from screenshots and videos to new character profiles, class types, and gameplay systems. It’s a lot to digest, but let’s break it down with our abridged summary.

First off, three new character profiles have been released. Top of the list of these is Void Dark (voiced by Shouma Yamamoto), the new big bad of Disgaea 5. As has been previously established, he’s a malevolent fellow bent on taking over all of the Netherworlds for himself using his army known as “The Lost.” So cruel is his heart that even his own minions are little more than tools to be discarded after they’ve outlived their usefulness.

Then there’s Majorita (voiced by Megumi Han), one of the generals among The Lost. With her, where there’s a will to get someone to work under her, there’s a way; if someone won’t play nice, she’s not against killing them and then reviving them as an underling. She does all of this in the hopes of one day establishing a utopia for demons, believing Void Dark’s rule to be a necessary means to that end.

Last up is Bloodis (voiced by Masami Iwasaki). Another one of the generals of The Lost, his strength is so immense that he also serves as Void Dark’s right hand man and is believed to possibly even be next in line to inherit his position down the line. While a strong, silent type on the outside, when he meets a worthy opponent, Bloodis is known to feel real joy and excitement deep down.

In terms of new gameplay systems, the big new one for this information drop is the Squad System. This entails assigning characters as leaders and subordinates into different types of squads of your own choosing, which will bestow members with various perks. In a “Rookie Squad,” for example, subordinates will gain a partial experience boost based on how much the leader accrues in combat. A “Foot Soldier Squad,” will see members’ stats boosted depending on how many characters are part of the squad. And in the “Flat Squad,” female characters that aren’t of the buxom persuasion will see their stats go up.

That’s not all there is to the Squad System, however. Squads can also level up by taking prisoners during battle, which can be accomplished during battle with the right skills and even sometimes after battle as a reward. Captured enemies can then go on to serve as part of a Squad’s backup and bolstering their ranks is what gets a Squad’s overall level up. Captured units, while not useless if left alone, can be persuaded to be more cooperative, making them an even more added boon during the leveling process. Squad level ups unlock myriad benefits of their own, such as partially split experience points between the leader and their subordinates, as well as enable expanded rosters and improved perks.

On the battlefield, Squads can also pull of Squad Skills, which are moves where everybody within a given Squad attacks an enemy Squad together simultaneously. Naturally, this means that all units that are part of an enemy Squad are damaged as a result, rather than having to tackle them individually through standard attacks. Squad Skills also increase in power as they have more captured units in their reserve and the main individual units gets stronger and stronger.

Also new to the game is the Double Magichange system, which essentially allows a character to perform a Magichange twice on monsters to forge especially large weapons, making them more powerful than ever. Not only will the aesthetics of the created weapons differ depending on the base monsters when using Double Magichange, but Magichange skills also become more potent.

Finally, there are five new classes that have been announced for Disgaea 5. Pirates are a gun-toting type that specialize in long-distance attacks, even gaining a 15% damage bonus for every space between them an their target. Then there are the Nine Tails, a type of fox-looking spirit that get stat boosts depending on how they fare with their special Bonus Gauge, with 5% added per bonus stock.

In contrast to them, Phantoms specialize in debuffing enemies’ stats by 5% with their “Evil Eye” ability. Joining them are Teensy Devils, a gang of pranksters that enjoy demeaning those who are weaker than them, earning a 30% damage boost when up against such foes. Rounding out the new classes are Wicked Bears, a masochistic bunch that take attacks from enemies and use them to bolster its own strength to the tune of 5% increased offense per hit taken.

As for the new videos, you can catch them all below. The titles mostly make them self-explanatory, with the first one being a continuation of the gameplay system showcase that started about two weeks back and the others showing off the above profiled antagonists’ special attacks. For this edition of the gameplay system showcase, the focus is squarely on Alliance Attacks, which are the team-up attacks between major characters that are fueled by their bonds and ongoing relationship status, culminating in a demonstration using Killia and Seraphina.







There’s A Whole Universe Of Prinnies For You To Discover

Before we introduce the Prinny Research Squad, Nippon Ichi Software has a new trailer for Disgaea 5 that focuses on Serafina. She’s the heroine in the game and follows Killia on his quest for vengeance. Serafina’s attacks like Heart Ensemble blend love and music. Heart Orchestra brings an entire orchestra with zombie maids playing wind instruments and Prinnys on flutes.


image Nippon Ichi Software also opened up the Prinny Research Squad browser game where you can see all kinds of different Prinnys. Players start by stitching a soul into a Prinny then after around two minutes you’ll have your first squad of Prinnys ready to man a spaceship and explore the Netherworld. There are 35 different types of Prinnys to find, but you’ll need to earn money to upgrade your spaceship before you can travel further. Prinny Research Squad is free to play, but the game is only available in Japanese.


Disgaea 5’s Innocent Farm, custom HQ, online features, more detailed

NIS has put out another Japanese press release for its upcoming PS4 game Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance that details a handful of new and expanded features that are set to roll out when the game arrives overseas next month, particularly with respect to the game’s Innocents, player headquarters, and online mechanics, among other things.

Firstly, Innocents can now grow by sending them off to what’s known as the “Innocent Farm.” Much like similar systems such as the Pokemon series’ Daycare, Innocents that are at the Innocent Farm will grow stronger as players go off and engage in fights. Additionally, depositing two or more Innocents can result in another one being spawned on occasion. Innocents born under such circumstances are special in that their overall growth potential is greater than standard ones, making them especially ideal candidates to become strong over time. Farm capabilities can also be upgraded by bolstering the Innocent Caretaker Squad; such upgrades include additional room to deposit more Innocents, increased overall growth rates, etc.

Also new to the game is the Refinery, which is a facility where rare items can be forged. These items can include consumables, as well as items that can be used in the War Room (Disgaea 5‘s incarnation of the series mainstay Dark Assembly) and in Item Worlds. Essentially, after picking an item from the list, it’ll be forged after going into battle a certain number of times. Items can be forged multiple times over the course of the game, should players come upon something that they find particularly useful.

Beyond that, players can now customize the placement of NPCs and facilities in their headquarters, which is known in-game as the “Mini-Netherworld.” Exterior portions of the Mini-Netherworld can also be customized with a variety of parts, with players able to save multiple loadouts and put them on a favorites list for easy access. This exterior customization comes into play in that the Mini-Netherworld can be summoned into battles, imposing special effects across the entirety of the map such as reduced accuracy and bolstered fire resistance. Mini-Netherworlds can also be uploaded and shared online, appearing in other players’ games as part of things like Item Worlds and Research Teams.

In terms of additional online functionality beyond that, Disgaea 5 also takes advantage of streaming functionality. Earned experience points, for instance, can increase depending on the number of viewers a given stream has, where high comment numbers can yield extra items. Players can also gift items to one another, which will appear in their headquarters as treasure chests. Records of each players’ gameplay stats are additionally viewable, providing insight into how different people play the game. Finally, players can also send custom news bulletins that others can read in their own feeds.

In addition to the press release, NIS also put out two new videos, which you can find below, plus another batch of new screenshots and artwork that you can view at the gallery here. Disgaea 5 is set to come out for PS4 in Japan on March 26 and in the West this fall.



Video zeigt Aufwertung der Statuswerte

Ein aktuelles Video zu Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance stellt euch die besondere Weise vor, die für eine Aufwertung der Statuswerte sorgt. Die Art der Verbesserung wurde in ein Minispiel gepackt und wird als “Character World” bezeichnet. Der Ort des Geschehens ist das Herz einer Figur. Durch verschiedene Tätigkeiten werden schlummernde Talente der Figuren geweckt.

Die Bewegung der Figuren wird durch eine Art Glücksspielautomat ausgelöst. Auf einigen Feldern trifft man auf Monster, die mit der Methode des identischen Apparates bekämpft werden. Bestimmte Gegenstände erlauben eine Teleportation, durch die man die Stelle wechseln kann. Zudem sollen Events, die sich in diesem Bereich abspielen, für Abwechslung sorgen.

In Japan wird der Titel am 26. März erscheinen. Die Veröffentlichung in Europa und Nordamerika ist für den Herbst geplant.


famitsu wertung
Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance (PS4, Atlus): 9 / 8 / 8 / 8 - (33/40)
Ich denke ich werde diesmal eher auf die Vita Version warten und dadurch den ganzen DLC Content mitnehmen können.
warte auch auf die vita version. sowas spielt man nicht auf konsole. viel zu ungemütlich.

Mit gemütlichkeit hat das bei mir nix zu tun. Hatte mit Disgaea 4 und Disgaea D2 auf der Konsole genau so viel Spaß wie mit den anderen Teilen aufm Handheld.
Disgaea eigenet sich halt auch prima für zwischen durch / unterwegs, wenn man nur ein paar Maps grinden möchte.
Disgaea 5: Vorstellung der sechs Hauptfiguren

In den letzten Wochen war es ruhig um die Lokalisierung von Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance. Nun meldet NIS America sich mit einer Meldung, die uns die sechs Hauptfiguren aus dem strategischen Rollenspiel vorstellt.


Ein junger Dämon, der nach Rache sucht und mit seinem Gegenspieler Void Dark durch eine längere Geschichte miteinander verbunden ist. Er schließt sich nicht gerne mit anderen Leuten zusammen und wirkt durch seine Persönlichkeit kalt. Seine Freundlichkeit scheint dann durch sein Verhalten durch, wenn er anderen Personen hilft, die durch den Angriff der Lost in Leid geraten sind. Sein Kalorienverbrauch ist sehr hoch und somit nutzt er jede Gelegenheit, um an Nahrung zu gelangen.


Sie ist die Prinzessin einer prachtvollen Unterwelt und lebt im reichsten Land der drei Welten (Unterwelten, Celestia und die Welt der Menschen). Seraphina lebt fest im Glauben, dass alle Menschen nur existieren, um sich ihr zu unterwerfen. Als ihr Vater eine Hochzeit mit Void Dark arrangiert, flieht sie aus ihrer Heimat. Nun lautet ihr Ziel, ihn zu ermorden.


Sie ist die Erbin von Toto Bunny und geht Kämpfen lieber aus dem Weg. Ein Untertan von Void Dark hat Usalia mit einem Fluch belegt. Die Frau ist dazu verdammt, nur noch Curry essen zu dürfen. Eine andere Ernährung würde sie in ein Biest verwandeln. Zum Glück mag sie den Geschmack von Curry. Usalia hat eine sehr freundliche Persönlichkeit, was sehr untypisch für einen Dämonen ist. In den Schlachten reitet sie auf einem gelben Prinny.

Red Magnus:

Er ist der Herrscher der “Verzehrenden Flamme”, in der die bösartigen Dämonen residieren. Dieser Dämon ist sehr wild und glaubt, dass körperliche Stärke alles ist, was im Leben zählt. Red Magnus versucht Void Dark zu bekämpfen, um selbst der stärkste Herrscher der Unterwelten zu werden. Seine Unterwelt hat mit Seraphinas Reich für eine längere Zeit sehr schlechte Bedingungen erlebt. In seinem Wortschatz ist “Super” ein sehr häufiger Begriff.


Ein junger Herrscher und der selbsternannte Erbe des legendären Dämonen Goldion. Als Killia und die anderen sich in einem Kampf gegen Lost befinden, taucht Zeroken auf der Bildfläche auf und hilft der Gruppe, obwohl niemand danach verlangt hat. Er ist stur, doch seine Denkweise bleibt flexibel. Seine Haltung ändert sich in Abhängigkeit seines Gesprächspartners.


Dieser Herrscher gehört zu einer bestimmten und riesigen Unterwelt. Er ist ein talentierter Taktiker und versucht immer alles, um den Sieg zu erlangen. Killias magische Fähigkeiten haben Christos Interesse erregt und um Void Dark zu töten, vermutet er seine besten Chancen, wenn er den Protagonisten begleitet.

Das Videospiel soll im Herbst in Europa und Nordamerika für PlayStation 4 erscheinen.


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