Uns erreichten soeben weitere Informationen bezüglich des bevorstehenden Xbox360 Dashboard Updates. Das Active Download Managment wird, nach den vorliegenden Dokumenten, über eine sogenannte Active Downloads List abgewickelt, die folgendermassen funktioniert:
Access the active downloads list from the Download Details screen after you start to download an item
# Select an item that you want to download from the marketplace.
# Confirm the purchase, and then select the location where you want to store the item.
# When the Download Details screen appears, select View Active Downloads.
Access the active downloads list from the Xbox Live Marketplace home page
# On the Xbox Dashboard, select Xbox Live Marketplace.
# Select Active Downloads.
# Select View List.
Add items to your active downloads list
# As you are downloading an item, select Continue or press the B button to return to the content list.
# Select an item that you want to download.
# Confirm the purchase, and then select the location where you want to store the item.
(Note Items will continue to download in the order in which they appear on the list.)
Move an item to the top of your active downloads list
# If a download is in progress and you have multiple items in your active downloads list, select the item that you want to move to the top of the list.
# In the Download Details area of the guide, select Download Now.
(Note This will pause the downloading of the current item and initiates the downloading of the selected item. If you have signed in to multiple profiles on Xbox Live and more than one profile contains items in the active downloads list, the first item in the active downloads list for the profile under which you select Download Now, will download first.)
Cancel an item from the active downloads list
# After you select an item to download, the item becomes part of your active downloads list. To cancel a single item from downloading, select Cancel from the Download Details screen that appears during a download or from the Active Downloads area.
# You can also cancel all downloads in the Active Downloads area by pressing the X button.
(Note Canceling an item will only remove the item from the active downloads list. Canceling an item does not reverse the charge that was issued against your Microsoft Points balance. After you confirm a download, the points are removed from your balance. A check mark appears next to any content that you have confirmed. This lets you download the content again in the future.)
Ein weiteres Feature, welches bisher noch nicht 100% bestätigt ist, erlaubt es euch festzulegen, was mit DVDs, die in der Xbox360 liegen geschieht, sobald ihr die Konsole anschaltet. Normalerweise wird eine DVD sofort gestartet. Dies soll jetzt konfigurierbar sein. Aber auch andere Features sollten enthalten sein.
Typically, the Xbox 360 console will automatically play a media disc if a disc is in the disc drive when you turn on the console. An auto-update is available that lets you change the default option from automatically playing the media disc to automatically advancing to the Xbox Dashboard when you turn on the console.
To configure how the Xbox 360 console starts, follow these steps:
# Start the console without a DVD in the disc drive.
# In the System section of the Xbox Dashboard, select Console Settings.
# Select Startup, and then press the A button.
# Select from the following two options, and then press the A button:
- Disc (Select Disc if you want the console to play the media when you turn on the console.)
- Xbox Dashboard (Select Xbox Dashboard if you want the console to advance to the Dashboard when you turn on the console.)
(Note You do not receive a confirmation after you select an option. However, the option will automatically be saved.)
After the DVD starts, you can press any button on an Xbox controller to initiate the on-screen menu. From the Basic on-screen menu, you can perform the following functions:
# Stop or pause DVD playback
# Fast-forward or rewind the DVD
# Move to the previous or to the next chapter on the DVD
# Move to the main menu for the DVD
# Move to the title menu for the DVD
# Select from the following Advanced on-screen menu options:
- Enable subtitles (Note You can only enable subtitles if the DVD supports this option.)
- Change camera angle (Note You can only change the camera angle if the DVD supports the option.)
- Change the audio channel (Note You can only change the audio channel if the DVD supports the option.)
- Zoom the picture (Note You can press the Zoom button multiple times to initiate different levels of zoom.)
- Set an A-B looping repeat point
- Display an on-screen information pane
(Note The on-screen information displays the DVD title number, the DVD chapter number, the time elapsed, and the time remaining.)
The Xbox 360 console uses a bookmark feature. The bookmark feature enables the console to remember the point where you stopped and ejected the last DVD movie that you played. Therefore, when you re-insert and then restart the DVD, the DVD will continue from that bookmark point. To clear the bookmark for a particular DVD, insert a different DVD.
(Note You cannot turn off the bookmark feature.)
geil man muss jetzt net immer von dvd starten wenn man konsole anmacht, und natürlich alles im hintergrund downloaden, juhu in ein paar tagen ist es soweit ^^