Stammtisch Der Xbox Stammtisch

Also bisher ist es eine Frechheit was SUMOdigital da mit Crackdown abgeliefert hat.
Direkt weg und einem fähigen Studio übergeben / besser ein neues Studio gründen.
Die sollen crackdown mal veröffentlichen, egal wie es wird. Noch ein spiel auf eis legen wäre gar nicht gut für xbox.
Sagt mal, kann mir hemand sagen warum ich Forza Horizon 1 nicht im Store kaufen kann? Wollte gern die Enhanced Variante auf der X zocken.
Ok, Danke für die Info. Habe irgendwie das Gefühl das MS sich wenig um die Europäer kümmert. In den USA könnte ich es bestimmt noch kaufen.

Man muss auch sagen es ist einfacher in USA , nur ein Markt um den man sich kümmern muss . Hier sind es wieviele verschiedene ? 8-10?

TERA Brings True Action Control and New Gameplay Features to Consoles

Xbox One and PlayStation 4 gamers that have been clamoring for a MMO title with high combat action, and En Masse Entertainment is readying the release of the MMO-action epic TERA to deliver true action combat with optimized game controls. The new trailer released today demonstrates the detail of improvements made to TERA: streamlined interfaces, intelligent button mapping, and new gameplay systems compliment TERA’s trademark fast-paced combos, dodging, and targeting mechanics.

Gamers can be among the first to experience these all-new elements for themselves when the official Open Beta begins later this week on March 9 at 6 am Pacific (PST).

TERA brings fast-paced combat and killer combos to the forefront while streamlining the overall experience, resulting in the ultimately refined MMO that fits perfectly on home consoles.

New features awaiting players include:

Lock-On System: An all-new Lock-On System keeps the enemies in sight and the action centered on-screen.

Classy Controls: Each character class has its own unique default control scheme. Don’t like the default control layout for your class? No problem! The controls can be completely remapped to tailor any type of preferred layout.

Combat Effective UI: The game’s user interface has also been redesigned with a new, fully-customizable Radial Menu for quick and intuitive access weapons and items.

Streaming Features: Players can easily broadcast TERA instantly to the community via Twitch, and Mixer with integrated streaming support.

Communication is Key: Players can communicate directly with fellow party members via native voice chat support or they can opt out of chat if they prefer at any time.


The hallmark of TERA has always been true action combat, and the thrill of heroically taking out one of the game’s BAMS (Big Ass Monsters) will be coming to consoles fully intact. All of the skills, tactics, and high-octane combos that make TERA’s combat so deep and satisfying are now in your hands.

TERA will be available across the Xbox One family of devices, including Xbox One X from Microsoft, and the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system in Spring 2018. For more information on TERA, please visit the official site and follow the progress of the game on Facebook, and Twitter.

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