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:xbox: Xbox One S und One X: Unterstützung für 1440p-Monitore kommt "sehr bald"

Microsofts Xbox One X und Xbox One S zielen beide auf bestimmte Bildschirmauflösungen: Die One X auf 4K, die One S auf 1080p. Wer einen PC-Monitor mit 1440p anschließt, bekommt allerdings nur skaliertes FullHD. Ein Microsoft-Entwickler verspricht nun, dass Insider-Tester diesbezüglich "sehr bald" positiv überrascht sein werden.

Rad Rodgers Rushes to Xbox One and PlayStation 4

The Kickstarter financed game Rad Rodgers brings back the 90's-era PC platformer with a game inspired by classics like Commander Keen, Conker, Ruff'n'Tumble & Jazz Jackrabbit.

Developer Slipgate Studios and Publisher THQ Nordic will release Rad Rodgers on PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and across the Xbox One family of devices including Xbox One X on February 21st. The SRP is 19,99 € - all owners of the PC-Version will get a free update (which is already part of the console-version) including:

Leaderboards: Gain Scores at the end of each level, and battle with friends to reach the top of the leaderboards.

Hats: Unlock more than 20 different hats throughout the game, and customize Rad Rodgers.

New Pogo Vertigo Bonus Levels: Grab a Pogo Stick, and see how far you can get in the new Pogo Vertigo vertical levels.

New Unlockables: Unlock behind the scenes artwork throughout the game.

New Pixelverse Puzzles: Pixelverses have been redesigned, and now include brand new types of Puzzles.

5 New Levels! Fight through 3 new Pogostick Levels, and 2 massive new levels. The Rainforest Rampage, and Raging Ruins.

Minibosses! Introducing 2 minibosses throughout the game.

4 New Enemies! The new Spiky Jellyfish, Powerful Laserheads, and 2 new Minibosses brings new and exciting challenges to the Rad Rodgers enemy roster.

Brand new weapon! The legendary "Excalibat" from Rise of the Triad, makes a return to Rad Rodgers. Become invincible and smack your way through hordes of enemies with the mighty Excalibat.

About Rad Rodgers

Rad is a rambunctious but spirited young boy who maybe plays too many video games. After dozing off at the tail end of a long night of gaming, Rad awakens to find his dusty old console has turned itself back on. Suddenly a vortex emerges and he's sucked into his TV, where he finds himself the star in his very own video game adventure.

Dusty is Rad's good-hearted but foul-mouthed, now-sentient game console. His clock speed isn't what it used to be, but what he lacks for in megahertz he makes up for with experience and attitude!

Rad & Dusty's adventure begins in the First World, taking them through seven dangerous stages of action-packed, humor-filled, hardcore platforming fun. This decaying jungle world has been infected by a fierce corruption, and it's up to the unlikely buddy-duo Rad and Dusty to save the jungle's inhabitants and restore the Elder Tree as guardian of the land.

Key Features

Weapons: Dusty arms Rad with a variety of radical bad-ass weaponry. The Bolt Blaster has unlimited ammo, is easy to use, and more than enough firepower to get the job done. The Phoenix Cannon shoots out a fiery bird whose wingspan lights enemies ablaze as it flies by. There are 5+ weapons in this first chapter, with more to come.

Sounds & Music: Our composer Andrew Hulshult combined his years of musical experience (both performing and writing) with his passion for retro-style gaming to create an amazing and authentic soundtrack for the game complete with MIDI-inspired music... And synthesizers!

The Pixelverse: While Rad and Dusty are a great team, only Dusty can enter the electrified Pixelverse - a dangerous spacetime-breaking region that exists behind the game world. Dusty enters the Pixelverse when necessary to repair glitches in the running game world, allowing both Rad & Dusty to continue their journey.

Classic Easter Eggs: The game features hard-to-find collectibles in sometimes even harder-to-find classic secret rooms. Use your precision platforming skills to collect 'em all.


Launch Trailer Emerges for Past Cure, Available for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

Phantom 8 Studio, a Berlin-based indie developer, is delighted to deliver the launch trailer for Past Cure, an intense cinematic, story-driven experience set to launch worldwide for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and on Steam for Windows PC on February 23rd, 2018.

Winner of multiple awards – including Best Storytelling at White Nights, Public Choice Award at Game Connection 2017, nominated for best emotional game in the Emotional Game awards, and for Best Indie Game at GamesCom 2017 – PAST CURE sees you play as Ian, a former special operations soldier unsure of his surroundings, and desperate to make sense of the last few years.

After the victim of experimentation and torture in prison, Ian’s mind has become fractured. His captors left him scarred with unrelenting nightmares, visions and new unstable and largely unexplainable powers such as time manipulation and telekinesis. Drifting between reality and hallucinogenic states, Ian must make sense of the world around him as he sets out on a path of revenge and discovery, uncertain of what awaits around the next corner.

“We’ve been delighted with the positive response to Past Cure from gamers around the world, and we’re excited to finally see people playing what has been our passion to create for the last two years,” said Simon Gerdesmann, Phantom 8’s Managing Director. “To achieve what we have as a small, eight-person first-time development studio makes us immensely proud. And, we’re not finished yet; there’s more to come from the Past Cure universe, as we’ll announce soon.”

Key Past Cure Game Play Features

A Story Driven Supernatural Thriller - Past Cure is a cinematic, story driven experience where the player follows the struggle of a broken man searching for the missing pieces of his mind. With intense cutscenes and intriguing story items throughout the levels, the players can unravel a story that will keep them guessing until the end.

Action vs. Stealth - Be bold and engage your enemies with time bending gun battles and brutal jaw crunching combos. Or pick the stealthy approach where evasion tactics and slick stealth takedowns allow you to outsmart your enemies in silence. Choose the right approach to each situation as there are pros and cons to each playing style.

Mind Bending Abilities - Unleash the unlocked power of Ian’s mind against those who unlocked it. To truly master the Past Cure experience, players must utilise time manipulation and astral projection to gain an edge on opponents and overcome obstacles.

Dreams vs. Reality - Ian’s mind is torn between the gritty real world and the nightmarish horror of his dreams. Past Cure contrasts between the cold, brutal combat orientated levels of the real world, to the more puzzle solving and survival gameplay in the abstract dream worlds.

Developed by an eight-person studio, Past Cure is Phantom 8’s debut game. It launches globally at digital and retail, echoing modern film making in its cinematic design, and redefining the quality that can be achieved with a small, but focused studio.

Past Cure releases worldwide on February 23rd, 2018 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC for £24.99/$29.99/€29.99.
  • Lob
Reaktionen: Avi
Erstmal abwarten. Zeitexklusivität oder so?

Glaube ich nicht, kommt ja jetzt auch für die Switch.

Es wirkt halt so, als würde man Ys Origins als eine Art Testballon "missbrauchen" - wird dem Spiel nicht gerecht ;).

Positiv ist aber auf jedem Fall, dass Ys Origins das 1. Ys für eine Xbox-Konsole überhaupt ist :).
Glaube das MS sich das spannende HoloLens, für die NextGen aufheben werden wird!? Lieber richtig dick auftragen, als jetzt mit eventuellen Einschränkungen der Hardware. Denke da an die CPU Seite, die dem bezüglich doch eher nur halb gares zu lassen würde.
Maus und Tastatur Support wäre furchtbar, also online für Shooter wäre das ein no go für mich.
Wenn es so kommen würde, dann würde ich meine Ps4 fürs online gaming vorziehen.
Denke mal eher das die Entwickler entscheiden ob das in Spielen supported wird oder nicht. Und man kann das ja auch wie ut3 damals auf der ps3 machen. Maus Player und Controller Player wurden getrennt.
Kann zwar Ys Origins als Old-School-JRPG-Falcom-Fan empfehlen, aber warum sie nicht gleich direkt auch den 8. Teil für die Xbox bringen/ankündigen, ist mir schleierhaft.

weil falcom alles außerhalb japans per lizensierung macht. und ys origins (für konsolen) kommt von dotEmu, die ein französisches entwicklerteam sind, die sich darauf spezialisiert haben spiele zu porten.
während NISA ein amerikanischer publisher ist, der lange zeit quasi sony exklusiv (mit wenigen ausnahmen für nintendo) handelte

nix testballon. NISA hat nicht mal einen einzigen titel jemals für die 360/one rausgebracht.
weil falcom alles außerhalb japans per lizensierung macht. und ys origins (für konsolen) kommt von dotEmu, die ein französisches entwicklerteam sind, die sich darauf spezialisiert haben spiele zu porten.
während NISA ein amerikanischer publisher ist, der lange zeit quasi sony exklusiv (mit wenigen ausnahmen für nintendo) handelte

nix testballon. NISA hat nicht mal einen einzigen titel jemals für die 360/one rausgebracht.

Gut zu wissen - danke für die Infos :).
Maus und Tastatur Support wäre furchtbar, also online für Shooter wäre das ein no go für mich.
Wenn es so kommen würde, dann würde ich meine Ps4 fürs online gaming vorziehen.

Ich bezweifel das nur weil man den Support möglich macht alle Games diesen auch unterstützen. Denke ich allerdings an Sims , oder die diversen auf der Konsole mittlerweile erhältlichen Aufbau/Strategie SIMS macht ein solcher Support ja denke ich schon Sinn.

Außerdem muss man nicht direkt wieder diese oh nein dann bin ich ja im Nachteil Denkweise an den Tag legen

Demnach müsste man ja in Rennspielen auch Gamepad & Lenkrad Nutzer trennen. Man kann sich auch an allem hochziehn
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