Wii U Der Wii U Spiele Thread

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NFS Most Wanted Trailer

Das Spiel im Spot sicht nicht schlecht aus, aber das drum herum, also die Story mit dem Vater und seinem Sohn, hätte man besser machen können.
Naja... ohne lokal MP werd ich den Kauf jedenfalls erst mal verschieben... oder gar ganz weglassen... echt ätzend, dass die das imho beste WiiU Feature außen vor lassen :/
Ich empfinde den Werbespot eigentlich gut gemacht, leider ist mein Sohn bereits Mitte 20!
Mit dem Future wird das Game ja nicht schlechter, es bietet eben auch die Möglichkeit das Vater und Sohn gemeinsam zocken. :nix:

Gibts schon irgenwelche Reviews ob es wirklich Grafisch besser aussieht?

Keine Reviews, jedoch die Aussage der Entwickler in dieser Demo.

The Fast & Furious: Showdown speculation was spot on. Activision is bringing the game to the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Wii U in just a couple of months
Listings on EB Games Australia’s website indicates that Fast & Furious will launch in mid-May. The retailer specifically lists a May 15 release date for the Wii U version and a May 22 date for the PS3 and 360 editions.
EB Games Australia has also revealed the first Fast & Furious: Showdown information through its product listings. For all of the details, head past the break.
High Octane Action
That delivers the definitive Fast & Furious experience of racing, heists & Teamwork
Team Action Racing:
In Fast and Furious nature, it’s all about the crew. Every mission is played cooperatively, either with a friend or A.I.

Adrenaline-packed Storyline:

Heists, hijacks and shootouts combine in a storyline that ties events from Fast 5 and earlier movies to the upcoming Fast 6 movie.
Choose the Experience:

Play through the story taking on various roles, and switch it up as you please. Take on skill-based high scoring challenges on your own or cooperatively with a buddy, and compare your results against your friends list.
Complete 31 missions through 8 chapters in 8 locations around the world.
Missions are comprised of one or more objectives. Objectives include:
Get to Location – get to a target location as quickly as possible
Transport – transport a person, vehicle or item to a target location
Win Race - win a street race by finishing in 1st place
Catch Vehicle – catch up with an escaping vehicle
Survive Pursuit – survive a police or gang pursuit
Protect Vehicle – protect a target vehicle from being destroyed
Enter Vehicle – get your character inside the back of a moving vehicle
Wreck Objectives/vehicles – wreck target objects or vehicles
Avoid Detection – travel past security cameras at high speed
Rescue Teammate – rescue a teammate in distress
Hijack Vehicle – hijack a target car
Steal Cargo – steal cargo from a moving vehicle
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich habe bisher nichts vom Game gesehen, daher kann ich es nicht beurteilen, du scheinst mehr darüber zu wissen. Natürlich ist es immer so eine Sache mit Lizenz-Games, aber es gibt auch positive Beispiele. Und Games kann WiiU auf jeden Fall gebrauchen, vor allem wenn diese Zeitnah zu den Mitwettbewerbern erscheinen. ;)
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