L14: Freak
Chrisian Svensson hat ein paar Infos durchsickern lassen.
Question:So can you clear this up? It's using the RE4 Wii engine? So.... it's using the RE4 gamecube engine basically with wii aiming? I thought it was going to use this .NET framework?
Sven: .NET framework? .NET is microsoft, not Capcom. Capcom is Framework or MT Framework if you must. And no, it's not running on that engine. It's not a Wii engine at this time. As stated in the press release, it's running on the latest version of our Wii engine used for RE4 Wii Edition.
Question:Can you explain the new content details please?
Sven: You'll learn more about these over time.
Question: Roughly how many on screen enemies can you put out on wii?
Sven: The screenshots released give you a decent idea. Suffice to say, it's not the number we could do on 360, but that's to be expected. It'll be sufficient to keep you well busy though.
Question: Will those A-hole jeep guys keep reappearing once you kill them?
Sven: You'll see...
Question: Do you have anything else apart from this, neopets, Spyborgs and MH3 planned for wii anytime soon?
Sven: You forgot Megaman 9... but again, at any one time, you only know about half the games we have in development. That's all I'll say on this.
Jetzt sind wir ein wenig schlauer. Hoch lebe das Capcom-Board^^
Wenn damit die Direct-Feed-Screens gemeint sind, ist das Spiel schon für die Tonne. Denn wer nicht in der Garage war und geschätzte 1000 Gegner vor Augen hatte, hat die Ästhetik des Spiels nicht gesehen.
Zusammen mit dem neuen Namen, der Vereinfachung und der Steuerung arbeitet man wohl darauf hin, das Spiel zu einer hirnlosen Metzel-Orgie zu machen. Well done.