Team Ninja announced new games tonight at a private dinner meant to reintroduce the developer after a difficult development period. Standby for Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, and Ni-oh.
Team Ninja leader Yosuke Hayashi explained that the last few years were difficult for the developer. After partnering with Nintendo to create Metroid: Other M, however, the team felt confident enough in its new identity to return to two beloved franchises that made the developer what it is.
The first of these is Dead or Alive. The franchise returns to active duty on the Nintendo 3DS with Dead or Alive: Dimensions, a fighting game that includes all the story points between the first game and the five-year-old Dead or Alive 4 -- plus some extra cut scenes to keep the plot consistent. Team Ninja hopes to recapture the hardcore fighting game audience with Dimensions as well as please longtime fans of the franchise.
Next up is Ninja Gaiden 3. The game is so early in development, the developer only showed journalists a piece of concept art. The image, however, defines both the new game's direction and the new identity of Team Ninja:
Team Ninja reinvents itself with Ninja Gaiden, Dead or Alive
Hayashi said to expect more information on the new Ninja Gaiden early next year.
Lastly, Team Ninja announced a new collaboration with developer Kou Shibusawa on a game called Ni-oh. The title takes Team Ninja away from its ninja themes and into the world of samurai action gameplay. No details on when the game is due out, or for which systems.