PS4/XOne/Switch/PC Dark Souls

das übersetzte dark souls interview von 4gamers

Miyazaki admittedly originally wanted to create a Demon’s Souls sequel. The reason this new RPG is titled Dark Souls, rather than Demon’s Souls 2, is because it allows the developers to explore, expand, and be more creative in changing things, without the feeling of being confined to the definitions of an established franchise.
Namco Bandai is publishing the game; Miyazaki was asked whether or not this meant the game would receive downloadable content. He’s yet to think about it yet, he told the site, but doesn’t rule out the possibility. If they were to release additional content, Miyazaki said it would never be paid cheats (ex: an item that, when eaten by the player, gives them a 10 level boost). Instead, they’d release content that fits the game’s online design and engine. I’m not quite sure what this means.
Dark Souls is lengthy, even more so than Demon’s Souls. Where Demon’s Souls took players an average of 30-40 hours to complete, Dark Souls will take around 60. There’s also close to 100 different enemy types, in comparison to Demon’s Souls‘ 40 or so.
The weapon customization and upgrade system in Demon’s Souls was a failure, admitted Miyazaki. He said that while Japanese players were able to put up with it, he received many complaints from overseas players saying it was much too complicated. Dark Souls will improve upon the system; the team is taking a very careful approach with developing it.
Regarding multiplayer, Miyazaki shared details regarding the game’s “sharing of experiences”. He said he wants the feeling of players helping each other through difficult segments integrated as a part of the game. To compare, Miyazaki mentioned how, back in the day, people would share their Dragon Quest strategies and talk about their different experiences, helping players through difficult areas in the process.
Miyazaki also wants to create a multiplayer presence within the single-player game. Demon’s Souls does this with its player messages and holographic figures walking about. For Dark Souls, he wants to take it a step further. He provides an example. In Lord of the Rings, Frodo finds the ring and is tasked with protecting it. However, there are black riders out there who want to obtain the ring. If a black rider defeats Frodo and obtains the ring, then the black rider is the fortunate player who obtained what he desired, and Frodo is the unfortunate player for failing to protect the ring. I’m not quite sure what he means by this bit, either.
Dark Souls will not only release simultaneously worldwide, but its online servers will be worldwide, as well. He said it was a pity that players in Demon’s Souls weren’t able to play with gamers from different countries. Luckily, that issue is fixed.
A demo for Dark Souls is probably not going to happen. Miyazaki believes its not a game that can easily be grasped or explained in condensed period of time. Therefore a demo would more than likely be a waste of time for both the players and the developers.
Dark Souls wasn’t always titled Dark Souls. From played around with a few titles before deciding on the final name. The game was originally named Dark Race, or the name of those who were cursed in the game. They ended up nixing it as they realized it could imply some sort of racism overseas. They wanted to keep the word “Dark” in the title, however.
Their next two titles were Dark Lord and Dark Ring. Dark Lord was already a registered trademark, so that was out; Dark Ring they realized was British slang for “anus”, and had to toss it as well.
Finally, they decided to go with Dark Souls, which is the title we know and love today.
Dark Souls is out worldwide this fall for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

das spiel soll doppelt solange gehen(60std) und mehr als das doppelte an gegnern bieten , klingt schonmal sehr gut
das waffensystem wird auch überarbeitet :D

jetzt noch ordentlich verschiedene rüstungen,waffen und sonstigen loot damit das ganze auch motiviert :puppy:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Also viel mehr Charakter eigenschaften würde ich mir wünschen, auch beim erstellen so dass es viel zur Auswahl gibt. Und auch das es zu jeder Waffe, eine MonsterWaffe quasi existiert ergo Katana > Monster Katana, Naginata> Monster Naginata

halt nicht nur in gruppen unterteilt und da gibts einfach bluesword oder so ne kacke.
so jetzt kann dark souls kommen, hab vor ner halben stunde die demons souls platin geholt, bin zwar morgen 100% tod müde aber das wars wert, und jetzt will ich mehr. :lick:

noch nie hab ich mehr genugtuung bei einem MP gespürt, als bei demons souls wenn man ein Black Phantom schlachted. :fight2:

"Bring more souls"

nuff said.
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This week's Famitsu has an updated look at Dark Souls, From Software's spiritual sequel to Demon's Souls.

The big point of note in this update is the "bonfire system." During your exploration, when you encounter a bonfire, you can use that as a starting point to explore further. If you die, you'll restart there. You can also recover your HP at the bonfires. The bonfire can also be used to collect a substance called Est which can be placed in jars and carried around.

Other points mentioned in the Famitsu article:

- When you're connected online, you can see the images of other players.
- There are some enemies who will chase you up ladders. You can kick them down.
- You can summon an undead cursed knight called Kurogane no Kishi, or Black Iron Night (the official English translation will probably be cooler sounding)
- Using magic, you can turn yourself into iron form. However, your movement becomes slow.

The magazine also introduces an NPC called "Mysterious Saintly Woman," a variety of enemies like the Dragon Zombie, and a variety of fields like the Giant Library, the Submerged Ruins, and the Marshes. These are all seamlessly connected, as previously announced.
also davon abgesehen das es sowieso ein day 1 purchase wird sieht es DS doch ein wenig zu ... ähnlich, oder?
es ist demon's soul 2, aber da die rechte für den namen bei sony liegen heißt es nun dark souls.
The big point of note in this update is the "bonfire system." During your exploration, when you encounter a bonfire, you can use that as a starting point to explore further. If you die, you'll restart there. You can also recover your HP at the bonfires. The bonfire can also be used to collect a substance called Est which can be placed in jars and carried around.

Das Bonfire System sagt mir überhaupt nicht zu :( Fand gerade die fehlenden Speicherpunkte das geniale an Demon Souls...
vllt sind die welten einfach größer geworden und einige savepoints wurden einfach notwendig!?

gucken. soll ja eig noch härter werden als demon's soul schon.
yo, da es open world gibt muss es ja sowas wie checkpoints geben, sonnst müsste man ja immer vom start aus zum arsch der welt laufen.
nur weil es jetzt sichere punkte gibt an denne man rezzt und HP laden kann heisst das nicht das nach dem verrecken die monsternicht wiederkommen ;)
Das Bonfire System sagt mir überhaupt nicht zu :( Fand gerade die fehlenden Speicherpunkte das geniale an Demon Souls...
Vielleicht beruhigt dich diese Meldung etwas:

“I have no intention to make the game any easier,” he tells us. “In fact, I want it to be more difficult. The way I put it to my team is that we are trying to make the most difficult game it is possible to make, which at the same time can be conquered by those who persevere. It has to be firm, but fair.”“the-most-difficult-game”

So muss es sein. :D

Ich bin so heiß auf das Spiel. Ich liebe schwere Spiele und mangels PS3 konnte ich DS noch nicht genießen.
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