Die neuste Studie von Ferguson aus dem Imperial College. Der bekannteste Epidemiologe der Welt und wahrscheinlich auch der wissenschaftlich produktivste.
From an individual perspective, the estimates presented in this paper quantify the risk of hospitalisation for someone testing positive for Omicron relative to someone testing positive for Delta. The overall hazard ratios presented in Table 2 apply specifically to England, given they average over all vaccination states. The stratified estimates in Table 3 are more generalisable, notwithstanding country-to-country variation in community surveillance, but should be interpreted cautiously at the current time given the small numbers of hospitalisation in many categories.
Overall, we find evidence of a reduction in the risk of hospitalisation for Omicron infections relative to Delta infections when averaging over all cases. The extent of reduction is sensitive to the inclusion criteria used for cases and hospitalisation, being in the range 20-25% when using any attendance at hospital as the endpoint, and 40-45% when using hospitalisation lasting 1 day or longer or hospitalisations with the ECDS discharge field recorded as “admitted” as the endpoint (Table 2). However, these reductions should be balanced against the much larger risk of infection with Omicron, due to reduction in protection acquired from both vaccination and natural infection.
Kurz, die Studie ich noch nicht wirklich stark aufgelistet im Bezug auf Immuniertenstatus, Alter und sonst was, sondern ist stark gemittelt. Im Mittel gibt es im Vergleich Delta zu Omikron 20% weniger Krankenhauseinweisungen. Das ist nicht wirklich ein großer Unterschied. Weil 20% auch ungefähr der Unterschied Alpha zu Delta (gefährlicher) war.