- "(Modern Warfare) is a piece of tech designed to scale"
- Xbox One: 1600x900 targed w/ dynamic scaling. Bottoms at 800x900
- Some volumetric elements operate at lower than native resolution
- Base PS4: 1980x1080 w/ dynamic scaling. Bottoms to 960x1080
- Xbox One X: 3840x2160 w/ dynamic scaling. Bottoms at 1920x2160
- PS4 Pro: Only console which scales both x and y axis, tops at 3840x2160p
- Temporal super sampling, filmic AA etc used to reach resolution on mid-gens.
- While Xbox gains clarity but doesn't show a monumental leap in clarity because of the filmic AA solution.
- "Frankly astonishing level of geometry ... 5X more than any previous CoD game"
- Spectral rendering praised. Light sources/ Volumetric etc also praised.
- The lower a system's resolution, the lower resolution volumetric effects which can cause 'tiling' effect on base consoles.
- Besides resolution and the knock-off effect on volumetric, other aspects have visual parity.
- Xbox One has persistent low drops from the start of the campaign, hovering at 50.
- Xbox One also has momentarily freezes, hitches at times.
- Xbox One X also suffers drops immediately starting the campaign, but uses adaptive V-sync which can cause tearing but faster response.
- Xbox One X is the only console which uses adaptive V-Sync.
- Performance can drop to mid 40's during campaign, but no hitching like base Xbox One seen.
- XBX: 45 ~ 60 FPS window. Base Xbox 37~60 FPS window.
- XBX 120hz mode enforces V Sync, no tears and less stutters but res drops To ~1080p to 1440p.
- Base PS4 can have a ~10 FPS advantage over Base Xbox in stress areas.
- PS4 still struggles and drops but generally much better than Xbox One
- Both XBX and PS4 Pro can show IO stutters like base XBO.
- Generally PS4 Pro has a performance advantage over XBX, while XBX has advantage in clarity