NGC Battalion Wars(GC)

OMG, habs letztens anspielen dürfen und das Spiel hat sich im Vergleich zu der Demo von der GC 04 eindeutig verschlechtert. Lieblose Grafik, verkorkste Charaktermodelle, umständliche Teamsteurung, total ungenaue Chara-Kontrolle, absolut anti-spaßig. Weg damit! :shakehead:
Cubie teh insid0r? :o :P

Ne mal im ernst....wo konntest du denn Zelda TP und Battalion Warsm spielen?
Erwartet uns mit Battalion Wars doch ein echter Hit?

Aus dem neuen ign Preview( basierend auf der finalversion):

Well, having played through the majority of the finalized game, we can safely answer both questions: Kuju is an extremely competent development studio and Nintendo did right in letting the studio run with it. Battalion Wars, what we're now calling the sleeper GameCube title of the season, has come together and all of our preformed analyses and all of our so-called process mean absolutely nothing. Not only is the game not broken. It's surprisingly well made and addictively entertaining.

Kuju has done an amazing job of bringing different characteristics and physics to each vehicle in the game. Driving a jeep through a battlefield feels much more responsive, speedy and bouncy than piloting a slow-treading tank. Gamers can use some vehicles to catch air, jumping bridges and bumps in the road. The physics oftentimes feel reminiscent of the Warthog in Halo -- smooth, reactive, and believable, if exaggerated. Merely driving around is therefore entertaining. Oppositely, bombers feel and move like the giant beasts they are, taking forever to turn sluggishly turn around in the air.

Battalion Wars is at its very best when everything comes together, and thankfully it often does. Running through the huge worlds, shooting at enemies and simultaneously issuing commands to soldiers and vehicle units feels great and is unexpectedly addictive. This is partly true because the controls are intuitive -- merely moving infantry units around is fun. But there's a lot more to it. The units and vehicles are so varied. Each gunman has his purpose just as each tank and gunship has theirs. The vehicle physics in the game are well done, if exaggerated. And there is a strong strategic element to the experience: gamers who don't think, plan attacks and manage their units will not win. For all the reasons above and more, Battalion Wars is shaping up to be one hell of a surprise and a worthy branch-out from its Advance Wars beginnings.

Das hätte ich dem Spiel nicht zugetraut.
Freut mich aber umso mehr, dass diese Zusammenarbeit mit einer anderen Firma richtig gut geklappt hat.
Hab mir die ganzen Videos angeschaut und bin zufrieden. Allerdings hoffe ich das es auch in höherem Schwierigkeitsgrad anspruchsvoller wird.

Mit Taktik hatte das ganze wenig zu tun was da gespielt wurde.

Auch könnte Munition ruhig begrenzt sein. Blindes in Feindesfeuer laufen müsste ebenfalls bestraft werden.
Der Vergleich hinkt jawohl völlig.Das Game hat ja nicht einmal einen Multimodus.

Bin mir sicher, dass es auch auf dem Revo raus kommen wird.Dann kann man von Battlefield auf Konsole reden :)
Soviel Jethro Tull Fans hier?

Ich bin auch einer :-)

Really don't mind if you sit this one out.

My words but a whisper -- your deafness a SHOUT.
I may make you feel but I can't make you think.
Your sperm's in the gutter -- your love's in the sink.
So you ride yourselves over the fields and
you make all your animal deals and
your wise men don't know how it feels to be thick as a brick.

Windy bus-stop. Click. Shop-window. Heel.
Shady gentleman. Fly-button. Feel.
In the underpass, the blind man stands.
With cold flute hands.
Symphony match-seller, breath out of time.
You can call me on another line.
Thick as a Brick und Baker`s street Muse, nur 2 der vielen, vielen genialen Lieder von Tull :D

Ich weiss orto, dass hattest du schon einmal erwähnt, dass du auch ein Tullfan bist :)
Es lebe Ian Anderson und Jethro Tull ;).

Aber bevor wir zu sehr vom Thema abweichen, Battalion Wars wird bestimmt eine Granate ;)
JethroTull schrieb:
Thick as a Brick und Baker`s street Muse, nur 2 der vielen, vielen genialen Lieder von Tull :D

Ich weiss orto, dass hattest du schon einmal erwähnt, dass du auch ein Tullfan bist :)

Stimmt :-)

JethroT. schrieb:
Es lebe Ian Anderson und Jethro Tull ;).

Aber bevor wir zu sehr vom Thema abweichen, Battalion Wars wird bestimmt eine Granate ;)

Wie gesagt, ich vermisse etwas talktischen Tiefgang (wobei ich nur beurteilen kann was ich sehe).
Test auf ign:

Nintendo fans too often have a bad habit of snapping up anything developed by the Big N and ignoring just about everything else. It would be a shame if this misguided routine caused Battalion Wars to go unnoticed because it really is a game that deserves the collective attention of GameCube owners. I had my doubts that Kuju could pull the title off, but my skepticism has been wiped out like the Xylvanian Army. With tight control, mostly intuitive squad management, a wide assortment of soldier and vehicle types, great physics, and huge landscapes upon which epic wars wage, Battalion Wars is a blast. It has some problems -- a quirky inability to micromanage individual units while giving full-battalion commands, fewer levels than I would have liked and no multiplayer mode -- but while it lasts gamers will find themselves unable to stop playing.

This is a sleeper hit. Check it out.

And Nintendo, get Kuju started on the Revolution sequel now and make sure it's got a fully developed online mode.

8.0 Presentation
Crisp full-motion animation, slick menus, zoomable map interface, and real-time dialogue come together for a comical, stylized experience.
8.0 Graphics
A point of debate for us. However, despite the game's low-resolution textures, it delivers big worlds with lots of units on-screen, huge explosions and little extras like grass, all at 30 frames.
7.5 Sound
We personally like the over-the-top and colorful voice acting in the game, but we realize not everybody will. Standard music fills the space.
9.0 Gameplay
Unexpectedly fun. Tight control and smart strategic management come together. Only a few kinks in the management system and squad AI detract from the exprience.
7.5 Lasting Appeal
Some 20 standard missions will keep games busy for a little while. A scoring system encourages gamers to re-play levels. Lack of multiplayer mode hurts.
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